200X * Drama * Theatre w/Anatoly *
exposition -- climax ...

200 words paper, analysis of the play (Hamlet)

How to write theatre paper? Intro Page.


katharsis (the 4 meanings current in Aristotle's day):

1. root sense was "cleaning" (e.g. katharsis of the house)

2. ritual cleansing of physical objects, "purification" of souls through music and incantations, healing of souls

3. Hippocratics: bowel movement : expulsion of noxious bodily elements (incl menstruation, urination, defecation, ejaculation)

4. Plato: intellectual "clarification" (though not in relation to poetry, music)


In the Republic , Plato presents us with two areas of meaning of the word mimesis :

* Impersonation : "to liken oneself to another either in voice or in appearance is to make a mimesis of the person to whom one likens oneself" (Republic, 393c5).
He makes the distinction between mimesis and diegesis : narration which does not involve direct speech.

* Image-making : in Book X of The Republic , mimesis is not confined to impersonation - here the notion of mimesis is extended to cover 'image-making in general

This relates to Plato's theory of Forms in which the material world is a poor copy of the true Form. The artist is responding to and making images of the poor copy: a copy of a copy



The Importance of Being Earnest

* mini-form show review *
Oedipus X

Dramatic Writing

Barranger -- Understanding Plays

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Playwright's Workbook:

Drama Structure



The final segment of composition (story and plot), where the message is articulated (idea, moral).
the character we are supposed to relate to the most; the hero of the story, the goog guy (name a few).

[ script.vtheatre.net ]

opposes the protagonist, the bad guy.

See 123 of Composition: Climax and Exposition pages.

See Theatre Dictionary pages!


The last main part of the dramatic composition (Aristotle).

What is your favorite resolution?

Identify the resolution in Hamlet.

What is the purpose of Resolution?

How do Resolution and Idea of the play correlate?

[ see "tests" pages ]


Define the resolution in your favorite movie.


Three Act Play. Denouement = Resolution. Use DICTIONARY!
Next: Plot
Biomechanics storybellcurve
