mini-webs -- focus pages : year-pages [ how to mark it? < u > ]
... ... from my [ru] : Novodvorskaya dismissed from Radio Echo:
The discussion is not about Novodvorskaya and not even about Echo (although I would like to know what others, the collegues, have to say), but what's next? Back to the USSR with Liberty only? What is the price of staying on the air -- "front" window for "free Russia"? The entire direction of Kremlin's move is strange... And what about tomorrow? As if there is no future at all. ,br>
This is the dead end. Any smart Russian should see it and think about his/her carrier "AFTER"... ... Project #2008 [] and
new web-design for 2008, index, CALIGARI pages and more ... pages [mini-webs]* notebooks and blogs
* Russian and American Pages
* Olympics and Elections
* Solzhenitsyn and War
8.4.08 solzhenitsyn.mp3 -- new film-north front page? [ images ]
... Goodbye, century. Or millennium?
Nov. 4 :
"Do not build on the good old days, but on the bad new ones," said Benjamin. [ * ]
Lul Theatre and Imaginary Shows [Paper Theatre] -- new directory?
First Season:
A Chorus Line, Ethio
Diaspora, ET
Red Terror