Books *
3 Sisters: Method
Go to theory directory! Yes, on acting! 24hour-act, acting, audience, auditions, directing, director, rehearse, system, warmups and more!
SummaryQuestionsFILM BOOKS *Notes^ This is DramLit "showcase" ^ 2005: Total Acting & Total Directing * ACTORS: AUDITIONS Method: Mono, Monologues I, Monologues II Biomechanics: Mono I, Mono II Acting One: Monologue, Mono I, Mono II Film Acting Theatre-WEB Film Acting: Eisenstein vs. Pudovkin (two original concepts) * To the Actor: On the Technique of Acting by Michael Chekhov, Nicolai Remisoff; Harper & Row, 1953 - Chapter 1: The Actor's Body and Psychology - Chapter 2: Imagination and Incorporation of Images - Chapter 3: Improvisation and Ensemble - Chapter 4: The Atmosphere and Individual Feelings - Chapter 5: The Psychological Gesture - Chapter 6: Character and Characterization - Chapter 7: Creative Individuality - Chapter 8: Composition of the Performance - Chapter 9: Different Types of Performances - Chapter 10 How to Approach the Part
Stanislavski, The Method, Acting Process and Technique
Actor who doesn't read needs a director to act... but who wants to work with the actor who doesn't understand you? How can I work with somebody who doesn't understand the craft and himself? Who should he be paid? Directors are paid to direct, not to teach. We pay to learn. Who is the last to teach you? You.
You do not understand this law of business? You need to talk to your manager. Yes, somebody who makes money on you, because you know the rules of the business -- do you have this manager?
My friend, you can get a role, if you're lucky, but not a profession.Photos by Tara Maginnis, my most recent directing of "The Mikado" (which directing technique did I use -- Method or BioMechanics? You can see it!)
I use Meyerhold's biomechanics in my acting and directing classes; see Books for new titles on Meyerhold, ot pages on Biomechanics. Also, Method and StageMetrics (Meyerhold for Directors).I don't see Mikhail Chekhov's "10 Lessons for an Actor" (good) on the list (important for understanding of "inner gesture"). Too many textbooks are around the System; I'll rate them with time. Anatoly
Fall 2003: 5 Approaches to Acting (textbook for Acting 121 & THR221), David Kaplan
Part I. Task (Method)
Chapter 1. Stanislavsky
Chapter 2. Obstacles
Chapter 3. Stanislavsky's Legacy
Part II. Episodes
Chapter 4. Brecht
Chapter 5. Combining Episodes
Chapter 6. Meyerhold
Part III. Images
Chapter 7. Masks
Chapter 8. The Language of Mask
Part IV. The World of the Play
Chapter 9. Comparison
Chapter 10. Rules
Part V. Telling a Story
Chapter 11. Storytelling
Chapter 12. Dramatic Action
Chapter 13. Shakespeare
Part VI. Comparing Approaches
Chapter 14. Comparing
Chapter 15. Choosing an Approach
Chapter 16. Combining Approaches