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Monologue Books

Go to theory directory! Yes, on acting! 24hour-act, acting, audience, auditions, directing, director, rehearse, system, warmups and more!


from Acting I: Auditions: * Performer’s name
* Short description of situation where character speaks
* Title of the Play, Writer, Character's Name

Be prepare to answer, if asked:
* Attitude/tone of author depicted in text
* What does the character want in the scene?
* What is the goal or objective?
* What is the emotional state of the character?
* Act/Scene of monologue and why did you select this monologue?
* What is this character like?

[ selection of monologue should be appropriate to the ability, age, and sex ]

** Write the character analysis in your Actor's Journal (before -- and after your auditions)!




Audition Speeches for Men by Jean Marlow, Elizabeth Ewing

Audition Speeches for Women by Jean Marlow

Audition Monologs for Student Actors 2: Selections from Contemporary Plays by Roger Ellis

The Ultimate Scene Study Series: 103 Short Scenes for Three Actors (The Ultimate Scene Study Series) by Wilma Marcus Chandler

The Ultimate Scene Study Series: 104 Scenes for Four Actors (The Ultimate Scene Study Series) by Wilma Marcus Chandler

The Best Men's Stage Monologues of 1999 (Best Men's Stage Monologues) by Jocelyn E. Beard

The Flip Side II: 64 More Point-Of-View Monologs for Teens by Heather H. Henderson

The Way I See It: Fifty Values-Oriented Monologs for Teens by Kimberly A. McCormick

Changing Circumstances: An Acting Manual With 24 Scenes by Lorinne Vozoff

Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century by Jo Bonney (Editor)

The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens: 111 One-Minute Monologues (Young Actors Series) by Janet B. Milstein

The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens 2: 111 One-Minute Monologues (Young Actor Series) by L. E. McCullough, L. E. McCollough

Outstanding Stage Monologs and Scenes from the '90s: Professional Auditions for Student Actors by Steven H. Gale

Tough Acts to Follow: 75 Monologs for Teens by Shirley Ullom

Teens Have Feelings, Too!: 100 Monologs for Young Performers by Deborah Karczewski

Scenes for Women by Women by Tori Haring-Smith

Monologues from the Road: Audition and Performance Pieces by Lavonne Mueller

99 Film Scenes for Actors by Angela Nicholas

One on One: The Best Men's Monologues for the Nineties (Applause Acting Series) by Jack Temchin

Acting Scenes and Monologs for Young Women: 60 Dramatic Characterizations by Maya Levy

Tight - Spots: True-To-Life Monolog Characterizations for Student Actors by Diana M. Howie

Audition Monologs for Student Actors: Selections from Contemporary Plays by Roger Ellis

Creating Your Own Monologue by Glenn Alterman

Magnificent Monologues for Kids (Hollywood 101) by Chambers Stevens

Theatre for Young Audiences: 20 Great Plays for Children by Coleman A. Jennings (Editor), Maurice Sendak

Alternative Shakespeare Auditions for Men by Simon Dunmore (Editor), William Shakespeare

Contemporary American Monologues for Women by Todd London

Contemporary American Monologues for Men by Todd London

Two-Minute Monologs: Original Audition Scenes for Professional Actors by Glenn Alterman, Theodore O. Zapel

The Theatre Audition Book: Playing Monologs from Contemporary, Modern, Period, Shakespeare and Classical Plays by Gerald Lee Ratliff

The First Folio Speeches for Men (Oberon Books) by Patrick Tucker

The Flip Side: 64 Point-Of-View Monologs for Teens by Heather H Henderson, Ted Zapel

Monologues on Black Life by Gus Edwards

222 Monologues 2 minutes and under:The Ultimate Audition Book by Jocelyn A. Beard

More Monologues for Women, by Women by Tori Haring-Smith

Classical Audition Speeches for Women by Jean Marlow

Classical Audition Speeches for Men by Jean Marlow

Neil Simon Monologues: Speeches from the Works of America's Foremost Playwright by Neil Simon

Spotlight: Solo Scenes for Student Actors by Stephanie S. Fairbanks

Multicultural Theatre: Scenes and Monologs from New Hispanic, Asian, and African-American Plays by Roger Ellis

Actresses' Audition Speeches: For All Ages and Accents by Jean Marlow (Editor) (Paperback - September 1995)

Actors' Audition Speeches: For All Ages and Accents by Jean Marlow

By Actors, for Actors: A Collection of Original Monologues and Performance Pieces by Catherine Gaffigan

The Ultimate Scene and Monologue Sourcebook: An Actor's Guide to over 1000 Monologues and Scenes from More Than 300 Contemporary Plays by Ed Hooks

The Book of Scenes for Aspiring Actors by Marsh Cassady

The Book of Monologues for Aspiring Actors by Marsh Cassady

By Kids, for Kids: A Collection of Original Monologues for Kids and Teenagers 6 to 18 Years Old by Catherine Gaffigan

Duo: The Best Scenes of the 90's (Applause Acting Series) by John Horvath (Editor)

Get in the Act!: 60 Monologs, Dialogs and Skits for Teens by Shirley Ullom

100 Great Monologues from the Renaissance Theatre (Monologue Audition Series) by Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor)

100 Great Monologues from the Neo-Classical Theater (Monologue Audition Series) by Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor)

100 Great Monologues from the 19th Century Romantic and Realistic Theatres (Monologue Audition Series) by Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor)

Play It Again!: More One-Act Plays for Acting Students by Norman A. Bert (Editor), Deb Bert (Editor)

One on One: The Best Women's Monologues for the Nineties (Applause Acting Series) by Jack Temchin (Editor)

Uptown/Character Monologues for Actors (The Monologue Audition) by Glenn Alterman

The Best Men's Stage Monologues of 1992 (The Monologue Audition) by Jocelyn A. Beard

100 Monologues: An Audition Sourcebook from New Dramatists by Laura Harrington (Editor)

By Actors, for Actors: A Collection of Original Monologues and Scenes by Catherine Gaffigan

Scenes and Monologs from the Best New Plays: An Anthology of New Scenes from Contemporary American Plays by Roger Ellis

Acting Natural: Monologs, Dialogs, and Playlets for Teens by Peg Kehret

One Hundred Men's Stage Monologues from the 1980's (Monologue Audition Series) by Joselyn A. Beard (Editor)

Winning Monologs for Young Actors: 65 Honest-To-Life Characterizations to Delight Young Actors and Audiences of All Ages by Peg Kehert, Peg Kehret

50 Great Monologs for Student Actors: A Workbook of Comedy Characterizations for Students by Bill Majeski

1 Act Plays for Acting Students: An Anthology of Short One-Act Plays for One, Two, or Three Actors by Norman Bert (Editor)

The Soaps: Scene Stealing Scenes for Actors by Karen Dent, Arthur L. Zapel (Editor)

The Scenebook for Actors: Great Monologs and Dialogs from Contemporary and Classical Theatre by Norman A. Bert (Editor)

Doubletalk: 50 Comedy Duets for Actors by Bill Majeski

The Monologue Workshop: From Search to Discovery in Audition and Performance (Applause Acting Series) by Jack Poggi

57 Original Auditions for Actors: A Workbook of Monologs for Professional and Non-Professional Actors by Eddie Lawrence, Jason Robards

Soliloquy! the Shakespeare Monologues Women (Applause Acting Series) by Michael Earley (Editor)

High School Monologues They Haven't Heard by Roger Karshner

The Actor's Book of Movie Monologues by Marisa Smith

The Actor's Book of Scenes from New Plays by Eric Lane (Editor), Nina Shengold

Great Scenes and Monologues for Actors by Michael Schulman (Editor), Eva Mekler

The Audition Sourcebook: Do's, Don'ts, and an Online Guide to 2,100+ Monologues and Musical Excerpts by Randall Richardson, Don Sandley

Baseball Monologues by Lavonne Mueller (Editor)

Monologues from Literature: A Sourcebook for Actors by Marisa Smith (Editor), Kristin Graham (Editor)

Scenes and Monologues from the New American Theater by Frank Pike (Editor), Thomas G. Dunn

Monologues for Actors of Color: Men by Roberta Uno

Original Audition Scenes for Actors: A Collection of Professional-Level Short Scenes by Garry Michael Kluger, Bobby Hoffman

2 Character Plays for Student Actors: A Collection of 15 One-Act Plays by Robert Mauro, Gary Burghoff (Introduction)

All Gall: Malicious Monologues & Ruthless Recitations (Tour De Farce, V. 6) by Norman R. Shapiro (Editor), David Schor

The Best Stage Scenes of 1999 (Best Stage Scenes) by Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor), Joanne Genadio (Editor)

Monologues from Classic Plays: 468 B.C. to 1960 A.D. (The Monologue Audition Series) by Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor), David Esbjornson

Book Pages
Monologue I
Mono II
Reference Books
Theatre Bookshelf
For the lists
of recommended reading
see classes!

Monologue Bookshelf One
Theatre with Anatoly

Monologue pages in Acting Directory

"Monologue is a performance in which one actor speaks alone." The "performance" can last for less than a minute or go as long as several hours (as when one does a one person play).

For auditions, a monolog is usually one to three minutes in length. Frequently, auditioners are requested to perform two "contrasting" monologs. For example:

That's the basics you can read everywhere....
An auditioner might also be requested to present a contemporary monologue (one from the mid to late 20th century) and a classical monologue (ancient Greek up to the early 20th century).

Most monologues books provide a brief character description and synopsis of the scene in which the monolog occurs. When preparing to rehearse a monolog, it is best to read the play. This will help you better understand your character, the circumstances that lead up to the point in the play when the monolog occurs and the relationship(s) between the monolog's character and the other character(s) in the play to whom the actor might be speaking or speaking about.


The list is limited. I will extend it, if I can find time; you can do your own search (including Barnes&Noble and other online bookstores I have on my pages).

You can find the texts of some public domain plays and some classical plays, like Shakespeare's complete works, on the internet for free. Also, check the Electric Library, also copyright free sources.



Each monologue has the main three parts (like everything else): the beginning, middle and the end. The first thing to do is to work the exposition, to establish the rules.

Some say the openning is 50% of success, I say it is 100% of failure when it wrong.

Whatever you didn't fix at the start will never be done.

Actor will try to get on track (and you can see it) and often he ends where he should start. Watching auditions is witnessing the false starts.

What is an exposition in monologue? Can point the line where exposition ends?

You should.

I need to know the situation (emotional stage) and your character (reaction to it)... before I learn it from the text!

... Here is the problem. Most students think that whatever I need to know I will when I listen to the monologue.


You see, you are an actor, not a teller. If you expect me to learn from what you say, not from HOW you say it, you got it wrong.

In addition to the pre-acting concept Meyerhold developed the counter-text theory.

It came from the same principles of the biomechanics: in order to action to take place I have to establish the aim -- to DIRECT you attention to what is about to happen. In simple terms, if I am about to throw a stone, you will see me moving in the opposite direction to the action!

Each monologue is a confession. I need to see the struggle to start it, I want to watch it coming. Life performance is always a process, not the shortcuts and results. Let me see WHY do you have to talk.

In monologue class I have my exercises with pre-acting: I ask to find the movement, gesture, anything non-verbal that prepares me for this line you are about to deliver. I have to wait for the words, I must ask for them. Don't give them to me till I beg you. PLAY with me, make me wonder, never give it away without a game...


There are no monologues on stage, it's always a dialogue with the public. The moment you learn how to transform you monologue into a dialogue with me -- you are an actor.

Read Monologue Page in Acting Directory. * Amazon mono-books: The Ultimate Scene and Monologue Sourcebook: An Actor's Guide to over 1000 Monologues and Scenes from More Than 300 Contemporary Plays * Great Scenes and Monologues for Actors * Monologues for Young Actors * Magnificent Monologues for Kids (Hollywood 101) * The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens: 111 One-Minute Monologues (Young Actors Series) * 99 Film Scenes for Actors * The Actor's Scenebook: Scenes and Monologues from Contemporary Plays * Group Improvisation: The Manual of Ensemble Improv Games * The Actor's Book of Contemporary Stage Monologues * Audition Monologs for Student Actors: Selections from Contemporary Plays * Neil Simon Monologues: Speeches from the Works of America's Foremost Playwright * Contemporary Scenes for Student Actors * The Contemporary Monologue: Women * Contemporary American Monologues for Women * Moving Parts: Monologues from Contemporary Plays * One on One: The Best Men's Monologues for the Nineties (Applause Acting Series) * The Contemporary Monologue: Men * Soliloquy! the Shakespeare Monologues (APPLAUSE ACTING SERIES) * 1 Act Plays for Acting Students: An Anthology of Short One-Act Plays for One, Two, or Three Actors * Actors Book of Classical Monologues * Monologues from Literature: A Sourcebook for Actors * The Actor's Book of Movie Monologues * Monologues from the Plays of Christopher Durang (Monologue Audition Series) * Shakespeare's Monologues for Women * The Ultimate Monologue Index (Smith and Kraus Monologue Index), Second Edition * 2 Minutes and Under: Original Character Monologues for Actors (Monologue Audition Series.) *

Relatively new:

  1. The Best Women's Stage Monologues of 1996
    Jocelyn Beard (Editor) Paper 1998

  2. The Best Men's Stage Monologues of 1996
    Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor) Paper 1997

  3. Action: The Nuyorican Poets Cafe Theater Festival
    Miguel Algarin (Editor), Lois Griffith (Editor) Paper 1997

  4. Call Back!: Monologues for Men & Women
    Colleen Mogil, Paper 1997

  5. I Witness: Dramatic Monologues from Hebrew Scriptures
    Ray Kostulias, Paper 1997

  6. Monologues on Black Life
    Gus Edwards / Paper 1997

  7. Out of Character: Rants, Raves, and Monologues from Today's Top Performance Artists
    Mark Russell (Editor) Paper 1997

  8. Perspectives: Relevant Scenes for Teens
    Mary Krell-Oishi, Paper 1997

  9. Pocket Monologues for Women
    Susan Pomerance, Paper 1997

  10. Straight White Male: Performance Art Monologues (Performance Studies)
    Michael Peterson, Hardcover 1997

  11. When Kids Achieve: Positive Monologues for Preteen Boys and Girls
    Raf Mauro, Paper 1997

  12. The Faithful Men of God: Six Monologues of Biblical Heroes
    Lydia Pujado, Paper 1997

  13. Fifty Professional Scenes for Student Actors
    Garry Michael Kluger, Paper 1997

  14. Girls' Night Out
    Judith Prior, Paper 1997

  15. Great Scenes from Minority Playwrights: Seventy-Four Scenes of Cultural Diversity
    Marsh Cassady (Editor) Paper 1997

  16. The Best Women's Stage Monologues of 1995 (Serial)
    Jocelyn a Beard (Editor) Paper 1996

  17. The Best Men's Stage Monologues of 1995 (Serial)
    Jocelyn A. Beard (Editor) Paper 1996

  18. 52 Bible Characters Dramatized: Easy-To-Use Monologues for All Occasions
    Kenneth W. Osbeck / Paper 1996

  19. Baseball Monologues
    Lavonne Mueller (Editor) Lee Blessing (Introduction) Paper 1996

  20. City Women/20 Powerful, Contemporary Monologues Embracing Characters of the Naked City
    Cynthia Smith / Paper 1996

  21. Classic Mouth: Monologues from Classic Literature for Boys and Girls
    Lydia Cosentino (Editor) Paper 1996

  22. Clit Notes: A Sapphic Sampler
    Holly Hughes / Pape 1996

  23. The Dramatic Monologue (Studies in Literary Themes and Genres
    Elisabeth A. Howe, Hardcover 1996

  24. Fitting in: Monologues for Boy
    Raf Mauro, Paper 1996

  25. Kids Stuff
    Ruth Mae Roddy, Paper 1996

  26. Methuen Book of Duologues for Young Actors
    Anne Harvey, Paper 1996

  27. Modern Monologues for Modern Kids
    Raf Mauro, Paper 1996

  28. Multicultural Theatre : Scenes and Monologs from New Hispanic, Asian, and African-American Plays
    Roger Ellis (Editor) Paper 1996

  29. Neil Simon Monologues : Speeches from the Works of America's Foremost Playwright
    Neil Simon, Roger Karshner (Editor) Paper 1996

  30. Playing Contemporary Scenes : Thirty-One Famous Scenes and How to Play Them
    Gerald Lee Ratliff, Paper 1996

  31. Playing Scenes from Classic Literature: Short Dramatizations of the World's Most Famous Literature
    Joellen Bland, Paper 1996

  32. Political Incorrections: The Best Opening Monologues from Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher
    Bill Maher, Audio Cassette 1996

  33. Red Diaper Baby : 3 Comic Monologues
    Josh Kornbluth, Paper 1996

  34. Red Licorice : Monologues for Young People
    Carole Tippit, Paper 1996

  35. Spotlight : Solo Scenes for Student Actors
    Stephanie S. Fairbanks, Paper 1996

  36. Voices
    Lydia Cosentino (Editor) Paper 1996

  37. God's Great Trumpet Call: 15 Monologues of New Testament People
    Robert F. Scott, Paper 1996
    @1999-2005 thr w/anatoly *