* Twentieth-Century Theatre: A Sourcebook by Richard Drain; Routledge, 1995 [ ]
![]() The Theatre and Dramatic Theory by Allardyce Nicoll; Barnes & Noble, 1962 Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball; Southern Illinois University Press, 1983 : - Part One: Shape - 1: What Happens That Makes Something Else Happen? - 2: And What Happens Next? - 3: But Do It Backwards - 4: Stasis and Intrusion - 5: Obstacle, Conflict - 6: Ignorance is Bliss (or: the Very Cause of Everyone's Lunacy About Hamlet) - 7: Things Theatrical - Part Two: Methods - 8: Exposition - 9: Forwards: Hungry for Next - 10: Missing Persons (character) - 11: Image - 15: Families - 16: Generalities: Mood, Atmosphere - 17: The Unique Factor - 18: Changing Eras - 19: Climax - 20: Beginnings/Endings - 21: Rereading - 22: What Next?
The Elements of Drama by J. L. Styan; 1960 - Introduction - Part I: The Dramatic Score - 2: Dramatic Verse is More Than Dialogue in Verse - 3: Making Meanings In The Theatre - 4: Shifting Impressions - 5: The Behaviour of the Words On the Stage - Part II: Orchestration - 7: Tempo and Meaning - 8: Manipulating the Characters - 9: Breaking the Continuity - 10: The Meaning of the Play As a Whole - Part III: Values - 12: Passing Judgment - 13: Playgoing as an Art Plays by Anton Tchekoff by Julius West; Scribner's Sons, 1919 (public domain) Edward Albee: A Casebook by Bruce J.Mann; Routledge, 2003 (Albee Page) Jacques Lecoq by Simon Murray; Routledge, 2003 The Kabuki Theatre by Earle Ernst; Oxford University Press, 1956 : - Chapter I - Chapter II: The Development of the Physical Theatre - Chapter III: The Audience and Its Attitudes - Chapter V: Elements of the Performance - Chapter VI: The Stage - Chapter VII: The Actor - Chapter VIII: Plays and Characters - Chapter IX: Kabuki and the Western Room - Short Glossary of Theatre Terms Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot by Harold Bloom; Chelsea House, 1987 - Modern Critical Interpretations
- Waiting for Godot
- Contents
- Editor's Note
- Introduction
- Bailing out the Silence
- The Search for the Self
- Waiting
- Waiting for Godot
- The Waiting Since
- The Language of Myth
- Beckett and the Problem of Modern Culture
- Beckett's Modernity and Medieval Affinities
Tennessee Williams: A Guide to Research and Performance by Philip C. Kolin; Greenwood Press, 1998 The Theatre of the Weimar Republic by John Willett; Holmes & Meier, 1988 Revolution in American Drama by Edmond M. Gagey; Columbia University Press, 1947 Avant Garde Theatre, 1892-1992 by Christopher Innes; Routledge, 1993 - 1: Introduction - 2: The Politics of Primitivism - 3: Dreams, Archetypes and the Irrational - 4: Therapy and Subliminal Theatre - 5: Antonin Artaud and the Theatre of Cruelty - 6: Ritual and Acts of Communion - 7: Black Masses and Ceremonies of Negation - 8: Myth and Theatre Laboratories - 9: Secular Religions and Physical Spirituality - 10: Anthropology, Environmental Theatre and Sexual Revolution - 11: Interculturalism and Expropriating the Classics - 12: From the Margins to Mainstream Jacques Copeau: Biography of a Theater by Maurice Kurtz; Southern Illinois University Press, 1999 Strategies of Drama: The Experience of Form by Oscar Lee Brownstein; Greenwood Press, 1991 - INTRODUCTION: THE FOLK LANGUAGE OF THE THEATER - Chapter 1 "Changing the Situation" Through Dramatic Language And Dramatic Form - NOTES - Chapter 2 Prospective Strategies: The Dramatic Future - NOTES - Chapter 3 Retrospective Strategies: Dramatic Memory - NOTES - Chapter 4 Plot: the Grand Design - NOTES - Chapter 5 The Basis of Climax Strategies: Figure/Ground Reversals - NOTES - Chapter 6 Complexity, Counterpoint, And Complicity from biblio page: modern drama
+ books
+ links
+ list
The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche, Douglas Smith; Oxford University Press, 2000 Preface to Drama: An Introduction to Dramatic Literature and Theater Art by Charles W. Cooper; Ronald Press, 1955 Happy Days: A Play in Two Acts by Samuel Beckett; Grove Press, 1961 Aristotle (384-322 BCE.): Poetics Aristotle's Poetics by Patrick Atherton, John Baxter, George Whalley, Aristotle; McGill-Queens University Press, 1997 Aristotle's Poetics: A Course of Eight Lectures by Colin Hardie, Humphry House; Greenwood Press, 1978 * new 2007 : miss julie (script) Strindberg my library : books.google.com
textbook -- Modern Drama : Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present
by Walter Levy (Editor) Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 edition (October 21, 1998) $74 * 0132267217
Longman's Anthology of World Drama and Theatre
Theatre on the Web:
The Bedford Introduction to Literature : Reading, Thinking, Writing
by Michael Meyer ISBN: 0312259182
Bertolt Brecht. Anything from John Willett's Brecht on Theatre.
Susan Glaspell. Excerpts from Road to the Temple
Arthur Miller. Anything from Theater Essays of Arthur Miller
Bernard Shaw. Selections from his Theatre Reviews.
August Strindberg. Anything from Letters to an Intimate Theatre
Week Two – Plato, Ion, from Republic, from Phaedrus
Week Three –Aristotle, Poetics
Week Four –Schlegel, from Ideas; Wordsworth, “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”
Week Five –Nietzsche, from The Birth of Tragedy, “Truth and Lie in an Extra- Moral Sense”
Week Six –Freud, from The Interpretation of Dreams; Jung, “On theRelation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry”; Lacan, “The Mirror Stage asFormative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience”
Week Seven –Heidegger, “Language”
Week Eight –Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”
Week Nine –Eliot, “Tradition and the Individual Talent”
Week Ten –Barthes, “The Death of the Author,” “From Work to Text”; Foucault, “What is an Author?”
Week Eleven –Hirsch, “Objective Interpretation”
Week Twelve –Derrida, from “Plato’s Pharmacy”; Blanchot, “The Absence of the Book”
Week Thirteen – Cixous, “The Laugh of the Medusa”; Kristeva, from Revolution in Poetic Language
Week Fourteen – Eagleton, “The Rise ofEnglish”; Ngugi, Liyong, Owuor-Anyumba, “On theAbolition of the English Department”
Week Fifteen – Graff, “Taking Cover inCoverage”; Knapp and Michaels, “AgainstTheory”
On Stage a History of Theatre by Vera Mowry Roberts; Harper & Row, 1962
From Page to Stage: Classical to Contemporary Drama
Table of Contents
Volume I: Classical to Restoration.
Volume II: 19th Century to the Present:
Aeschylus, The Agamemnon (translator: Robert Fagles)
Sophocles, Antigone (translator: David Grene)
Euripides, Medea (translator: Rex Warner)
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (translator: Alan H. Sommerstein)
Scenes from: The Menaechmi (Plautus); Phormio (Terence); Thyestes (Seneca).
Hroswitha, Dulcitius (translator: Katharina Wilson).
Anonymous, Everyman.
Kalidasa, Shakuntala (translator TBA).
Wakefield Master, The Second Shepherd’s Play (modernized by Anthony Caputi).
Christopher Marlowe, The Jew of Malta.
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Othello and The Winter’s Tale.
John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
Pedro de la Barca Calderon, The Constant Prince (translator TBA).
Moliere, School for Wives (Richard Wilbur).
Jean Racine, Phedre (Richard Wilbur).
William Congreve, The Way of the World.
Scenes from: The Triumph of Love (Marivaux), Under the Gaslight (Daly), A
Glass of Water (Scribe), Wozeck (Buchner).
Henrik Ibsen, Hedda Gabler (translator: James McFarlane).
August Strindberg, The Father (translator: Walter Johnson).
Anton Chekhov, The Three Sisters (Lanford Wilson).
George Bernard Shaw, Heartbreak House.
John Millington Synge, Playboy of the Western World.
Eugene O’Neill, Desire Under the Elms.
Eugene Ionesco, The Lesson (translator TBA).
Bertolt Brecht, Mother Courage and Her Children (translator: Eric Bentley).
Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Arthur Miller, All My Sons.
Samuel Beckett, Happy Days.
Wole Soyinka, Death and the King’s Horseman.
Harold Pinter, Betrayal.
Caryl Churchill, Blue Heart.
Anna Deavere Smith, Fires in the Mirror.
Edward Albee, Three Tall Women.
Frank McGuinness, Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me.
Paula Vogel, How I Learned to Drive.
Yasmina Reza, Life X 3 (translator: Christopher Hampton).
Neil LaBute, The Mercy Seat.
literature online
Drama 1900 to the Present
Twentieth-Century Drama
When complete, Twentieth-Century Drama will contain 2,500 published plays from throughout the English-speaking world, covering the history of modern drama from the 1890s to the present day.
Authors and plays have been selected by an academic advisory board, largely according to their current profile in both teaching and research at universities, colleges and schools. For major authors, we have aimed to include each writer's complete dramatic works; for less prominent authors, a representative sample has been selected; in some cases, a single play by a given author has been included owing to its particular significance. While the emphasis has been on selecting authors who feature prominently in both the academic canon and the current theatrical repertoire, we have also aimed to include plays that have suffered neglect owing to lack of availability in print, and plays by authors of historical importance.
Selection has been limited to works originally written in English. However, translations of non-English language works have been included where these form part of a playwright's main oeuvre: examples include W.B. Yeats's Sophocles' King Oedipus (1928) and Lady Augusta Gregory's translation of Molière's The Doctor in Spite of Himself (1906).
from teatr.us
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