2008 --
chekhov.vtheatre.net :
Historical Chekhov
XX c. Chekhov
Chekhov 21 [XXI c.]
Chekhov and new Spectator
... chekhov and virtual theatre?
Another chekhov (actor) : ... NEW: "Chekhov's Notebooks" [quotes] [ list of photos -- links ]
Fall 2003: Modern Drama: Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present Walter Levy, Pace University ISBN: 0-13-226721-7 Prentice Hall Paper; 985 pp Published: 10/21/1998
Outline of the page-chapter (scene)
* Use glossary, topics, subjects and themes pages! 2003-2004 * Modern Drama (textbook): This comprehensive and balanced anthology offers a collection of 25 works of modern and contemporary drama from the 1870s through the early 1990s. Features twenty-five plays that often demonstrate a significant breakthrough in maturity of expression and style for each playwright — important leaders in the development of modern and contemporary drama. SummaryFull Cycle of (Western) Theatre: The Greeks -- Shakespeare -- Chekhov [ where? ]"Chekhov and Chekhov": "3 Sisters" vs. 3 Farces! QuestionsSee THEMES (Chekhov wrote no poetry!?)Notes"Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act" ~ Truman CapoteMetaphor and Theme Analysis Спектакль, составленный из трех водевилей А.П.Чехова «Медведь», «Юбилей» и «Предложение», Мейерхольд назвал «Тридцать три обморока». Сагал вспоминал, что Всеволод Эмильевич, объясняя актерам смысл такого названия, полушутя, полусерьезно заявил: «Знаете, когда я читал водевили Чехова, то обнаружил много грустных и плаксивых ремарок, особенно обмороков. При подсчете у меня получилась магическая цифра — тридцать три. Подумайте, как все это осмыслить». «А мне, — добавил Сагал, — как второму исполнителю роли Смирнова в «Медведе», мой театральный бог посоветовал: «Если хотите встретиться с настоящим женоненавистником, почитайте-ка Стриндберга». * Chekohov's farces misunderstood -- "cynical eye" and even anry man is behind it! Russian Existentialism -- Philisophy of Freedom, Living as Tragedy ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Existentialism ![]() Marxism ![]() Nietzsche * Chekhov's DOC files to download (links) * Chekhov's quotes: "You are right in demanding that an artist approach his work consciously, but you are confusing two concepts: the solution of a problem and the correct formulation of a problem. Only the second is required of the artist. — To Alexei Suvorin, October 27, 1888" {commentaries) Chekhov: I still lack a political, religious and philosophical world view — I change it every month — and so I'll have to limit myself to descriptions of how my heroes love, marry, give birth, die, and how they speak. — To Dmitry Grigorovich, October 9, 1888 (comments) * Annual Chekhov Festival in Moscow (pix) -- announcement (invitation) * "One Semester Chekhov" (course proposal -- when?) = "Chekhov in Classroom" (scenes and Reader's Theatre) * Bibliography -- Chekhov: Letters About the Theatre ISBN=1575252570 (list?) A Word about my "gental" adaptation of The Three Sisters (5 Years Later -- "A Look Back" = Once is not Enough), First Act -- smaller cast, semi-modern language, two acts... [ image -- Nabokov, link ] * Book Reviews (Amazon at least) * Shows: Peter Stein, Director of Stanislavski’s Three Sisters, Irina Rudakova, University of Washington, Seattle [Moscow, 1988] [ list ] "Type of plot: Impressionistic realism" -- about "3 Sisters": discuss! Anton Chekhov by Marian Fell (online), intro * Originally published as the introduction to Chekhov's Plays -- eBooks@Adelaide 2004 THE MOSCOW ART THEATRE AND REALISM IN RUSSIA (short) 8.10.05. "The Chekhov Files" -- What is missing? [ Stanislavsky about Chekhov, in Russian, bottom ] "Personal Chekhov" (Chekhov VI "Private Chekhov" * Rus.)
Dramatic Literature -- We & Theatre * Fall 2005 THR215 (see new script.vtheatre.net/413 subdirectory)
* "American Chekhov" -- I made this page "Chekhov 5" to use the Russian texts and Rus. Literature connections (context) + getting ready for Mini-Chekhov production in the Fall (the irony that Am. "middle class" arrived to the historical situation of the Russian upper class of the 1900s! Here we are, and our love for Chekhov! Confortable living, no purpose, vanity, miserable spiritual life -- "Shows about Nothing" by Jerry S. and movies by a la NYC Woody Allen -- and so on.) Valgarity with some books and classical music, art and little existentialism... Hello?
Chekhov and Williams (could be two months long).
* The World History and the Middle Class: even OBL is nothing but the arrival of the Muslims to the Russian upper class "situation" with their radical, terrorist tendencied (end of the XIX century, see The Possessed)!
* "Drama for XX century" (Chekhov1-4 pages): the farces by Chekhov are simple, not the later full (new) dramas. Well-made plays -- and formula-plays (US sitcoms).
Comedies: situation + characters.
* The 3rd Age -- Virtual Theatre & Chekhov (unlikely I can get to this stage -- see vtheatre files at Film-North).
Where are Bunin (Page in Russian) or Tolstoy?
The old man liked him, the talant was obvious in Chekhov's stories (short-stories). Russia read them and all know "Antosha Chekhonte" -- Chekhov admired Tolstoy (the last writer of the Golden Age).
Must separate humor to see the Tolstoy's influence. "Realism" (technique and method). Attention to CHARACTER (how to work it out), chek out the monologues!
Details (prop), small symbols, sounds, "economy principle" (Tolstoy was too "descriptive").
Dostoevsky's influence? No. Too much "open" ideology, different trand.
Gogol? Later about Gogol.
Many contemporary secondary writers -- Kuprin, for example. (Garhin and others)
But first the guaints -- Ostrovsky (playwright)
or (important) Turgenev?
This could be discussed in "Russian Lit" or grad course -- Turgenev's imput in prose and, especially, in drama ("Month in the Country," for Chekhov's farces is more interesting "Provincial Lady").
"Turgenev's women" and Chekhov's females!
"Light Humor" -- Russian Irony (define).
Themes = most visible!
NB. We do the same with Shakespeare! Solo-analysis!
Without the context -- how could we understand Chekhov?
Msc. faces at the bottom [list]
I do not have Shnitzler's page ("Rondonda"), a note.
[ Chekhov and Gorky? ]
ShowCase -- 3 Sisters!* Translate the Russsian texts! (some) Beyond the Obvious: "Two Chekhovs" and the Age of Cinema ("The End of Literature")How "Russian" is Chekhov? (overview, bio, 15 points)
1. Youth
2. Doctor
3. Chekhonte
4. Humorist
5. Writer
6. New Theatre [ + Chekhov vs. Ibsen]
7. 1904: Russia After Chekhov -- "End of Russsia and the Revolution" (history)
8. "Chekhovan Century" (West [Europe + USA] & Russia, Japan, samples)
9. 3rd Millennium [use Bahktin's poliphonic principle, applicable no less than in Dostoevsky]
10. "Ordinary Life"? [Camus, explain]
12. Berdyaev (notes in Russian)
13. Postmodern: Chekhov After Beckett
14. Translations... Can you compare it to the original? With other translations? Are there significant differences?
15. Today into Tomorrow ("Second Chekhov" -- immortal one, who lives, young -- see the 2005 UAF Show).
Gaze vs. Word
Shestov on Chekhov ("Evil Genius of Russia")
П. Вайль, А. Генис, "Независимая газета", Москва 1991 -- http://aptechka.agava.ru/statyi/knigi/vg/vg22.html -- "Чехов начинал с большой формы. Тяга к большой форме во многом и определила его дальнейшее творчество. Всю свою жизнь Чехов хотел и собирался написать роман."
ВСЕ — В САДУ -- Набоков писал: «Чехов сбежал из темницы детерминизма, от категории причинности, от эффекта — и тем освободил драму». А заодно — и ее героев. (Vile & Genis)
"Единицей чеховской драмы, ее атомом, является не идея, как у Достоевского, не тип, как в «натуральной школе», не характер, как у Толстого, а просто — личность, цельный человек, про которого ничего определенного сказать нельзя: он абсурден, так как необъясним. Абсурда хватает и у Гоголя, и у Достоевского, но в их героях есть сердцевина — авторский замысел о них. У Чехова случайная литературная обочина стала эпицентром повествования: человек «ушел» в нюанс."
"Persona"? Individual? I have questions! [translation]
Farce Pages
"Writing/Performance" of "Death" one-act in THR215 DramLit and with the actors -- online! How to organize? Fall 2005 UAF production (?)
Fall 2005: announcements and posts in August *
Where is the comparazion between "Big Chekhov" (full plays, new drama) and "Chekhov of Farces"?
"Four Jokes + One Funeral" -- Context * Plot Overview * Characters * Character Analysis * Themes * Scenes * Quotations * Key Facts * Study Questions * Quiz * Further Reading * Notes *
Новаторство драматургии
[ Was the "Shakhalin" as the time of a crisis in his life/writing? ]
BIO (Chekhov) -- http://www.erudition.ru/referat/ref/id.51671_1.html
Одновременно Чехов продолжает работу в драматическом жанре, пишет небольшие пьесы, «шутки», водевили («Свадьба», 1890), комедию «Леший» (1890). В середине 1890-х гг. Чехов вернулся к своим драматургическим поискам, пытаясь перенести в пьесы основные принципы «объективной» прозы: сюжетная острота сменялась внешне спокойным течением событий, а все драматические коллизии перемещались в сферу духовных переживаний героев. В фабуле ослаблялись элементы занимательности, что восполнялось психологической насыщенностью действия, напряженность которого поддерживалась «случайными» репликами, приобретавшими символическую окрашенность, а также внесловесными средствами (паузами, жестами персонажей, «посторонними» звуками, мелочами обстановки), в совокупности создававшими чрезвычайно значимый для восприятия чеховской драматургии психологический подтекст. Однако к адекватному воспроизведению новой драмы российские театры оказались не готовы: представление пьесы «Чайка» на сцене Александринского театра (1896) закончилось провалом, и только постановка Московского Художественного театра (1898) открыла публике искусство Чехова-драматурга. Постановки последующих чеховских пьес («Дядя Ваня», 1899; «Три сестры», 1901, «Вишневый сад», 1904) осуществлялись только на сцене этого театра.
Chekhov, Anton. The Seagull. 18 Oct. 2005 Must read vTheatre files and Book of Spectator before you subscribe yourself!
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2007 -- dramlit (fall)
About The Book * Preface * Overview * Table of Contents * About the Author * What's New * Feature Summary * Supplements * PageOut * Credits *
chekhov.us --> stanislavsky.ru
Some confusion with my Forums: "dramlit" is for class use only. All postmodern discussions must be moved to groups.yahoo.com/group/vtheatre! (virtual theatre)