Intute: Arts and Humanities
... -- "links" page is in every directory!
... ...
* sample : (change the last word/tag to get different links)
script directory links
theatre history online + history *
thr history overview *
LitLinks *
American Drama, an internet-based venue for new writings in American Drama.
Styles *
Beckett *** drama *
Directory links
Themes Links
Artzia *
Theatre & Religion online
Fairy Tales & Drama Analysis *
... :
The official web site for the Beckett Centenary Festival, Dublin 2006 philosophy *
International D THR
SmithKraus Plays Pub
Script Analysis Syllabus Sample
Albe Conference, Alaska *
and other links!
Internet Resources DramLit
New Play Development 2005 UAF Fest
LMDA dramaturgs *
MERLOT is a free and open resource designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education. Links to online learning materials are collected here along with annotations such as peer reviews and assignments.
TCGTheatre Communications Group * Jobs *
Download Activities & Checklists the bedford *