2008 -- Script Analysis : Moliere in 20th Century [ movies and TV -- popculture ]
Comedy : Genre
Directing Comedy Acting Comedy : Acting1 (Pre-Acting) & 2 (Biomechanics) Moliere vs. Shakespeare [ 12th night and The Taming of the Shrew ]
Greek (New & Old) Comedy + Roman Drama ... Comedy of Characters & Comedy of Situation "Dark Comedy" (Don Juan) -- picasa "My Shows" album. Themes : Love, Lust, Death and more. Tragic Comedy? M. and Brecht [ ... ]
... 2009 : Moliere and Stoppard? "Russian Moliere" -- Bulgakov & Efros ...
Moliere [youtube]
A New Page for HyperDrama Don Juan in PLAYS directory: DJ
Moliere: 1622-1673 Don Juan 2003
Since Moliere is very closed to traditions of commedia dell'arte, I will be using Biomechanics for the show (Spring 2003). Read the play! Read Comedy Page in THR Theory directory!
Also, see Exposition Page. NEW: SummaryAlso, see Comical in Theatre Theory directory.17 + characters NotesHow does vtheatre work here? Don Juan and Other Plays (Oxford World's Classics) This selection of seven of Moliere's prose plays includes "Precious Provincials," "The Would-be Gentleman," "Don Juan," "The Reluctant Doctor," "Scapin the Schemer," "The Miser," and "George Dandin."HomeworkThere will be UAF cut (shorter), I need more time on stage for dances and fights. See DJ directory in SHOWS ("Gipsy Kings" on the sound page and Spanish guitare files). Rehearsals -- My Calendar! The Age of Louis XIV: A History of European Civilization in the Period of Pascal, Moliere, Cromwell, Milton, Peter the Great, Newton, and Spinoza: 1648-1715 (Story of Civilization) In the eighth volume of their Story of Civilization, the Durants explore the apex of European civilization to that time, the years 1648 to 1715. It is the era of the "Sun King," Louis XIV, one of the most powerful rulers in Western history. It is also the pinnacle of Dutch culture, the heyday of Vermeer and William of Orange, later King of England. All this forms the backdrop for the Durants' real focus: the intellectual character of the age. Encompassing Newton and Leibniz, among others, THE AGE OF LOUIS XIV marks a momentous transition: the passage from superstition and intolerance to science and philosophy. This is the period on which the foundation for modernity rests. One-Act Comedies of Moliere (Actor's Moliere, Vol 4) The Life of Monsieur De Moliere by Mikhail Bulgakov *** Molière : A Theatrical Life Cambridge University Press (May 16, 2002) *
Scapin and Don Juan : The Actor's Moliere - Volume 3 (Actor's Moliere, Vol 3) In one of Moliere's most popular plays, Scapin, that monarch of con men, puts his store of ingenuity to work, getting two lovesick young men married to the girls they pine for and, along the way, taking revenge on their grasping old fathers. Closed down after its first, highly successful run because of opposition from powerful enemies of the playwright, Don Juan was performed in a bowdlerized version for almost two hundred years, until actors, directors and critics restored the original text, recognizing it as the most ambitious and mightiest of Moliere's prose plays. Bermel's translations of the scripts as presented here have received rave reviews. Moliere: Don Juan (Plays in Production) Few plays have generated more controversy or had a more extraordinary performance history than Moli¨¨re's Don Juan. David Whitton's study examines various ways in which this enigmatic masterpiece has been interpreted in performance through the vision of different directors and in a variety of cultural and social contexts. In a series of critical studies, key productions are reconstructed using prompt books, production notes, photographs, contemporary reviews, and memoirs. Among the interpretations discussed are those of Meyerhold and Brecht, Ingmar Bergman, Jouvet, and Ch¨Śreau. The book is illustrated with numerous photographs and contains a geographical-chronological table of productions. Moliere Today (Contemporary Theatre Review) Don Garcia Of Navarre [DOWNLOAD: ADOBE READER]
2007 : dramatic literature ... updates?
A comedy with a tragic end, if we take DJ as a hero. Anti-hero?Misanthrope and Other Plays, The : A New Selection (Penguin Classics) The Misanthrope, Moliere's richly sophisticated comic drama is accompanied in this volume by The Would--be Gentleman, another tale of a dangerously deluded and obsessive hero. Tartuffe dares to take on the subject of religious hypocrisy. Also included are Such Foolish Affected Ladies and Those Learned Ladies, both newly translated for this edition. Finally, The Doctor Despite Himself is a hilarious example of Moliere's long-standing vendetta against the medical profession...[ make a new poll ] The Cast & Crew must subscribe to eGroup: Comedy & BM
Sex, God & Comedy
Religion v. Sex (morality & flesh):Christianity and Sexual Revolution -- naked man on the cross! God as man, body (but under control of mind) -- weak individual will needs "group support" (church). Nevertheless, sexuality is recognized and aknowledged. Not only the procreation, but the sexual desire (commendments).
Moliere -- Theatre's POV
Street (Commedia) + Ideology (Neoclassicism) = new stage forms.
French scenes names? * What other characters (besides Death) should I introduce on stage? ...
Directing/Acting Review on Don Juan
Although never having seen the entire show, I thoroughly enjoyed what I have seen of it. (Often from the wings or peeking through a hole in the curtain.) While I was on stage I never had more fun interacting with, and yes watching the other actors. It was hard not to laugh while sitting in the wings (or sitting on someone.) This is a combined review because IĄŻm just too tired, and confused to write a separate review for acting, and directing, while pretending not to be the actor who was directed. So here is a really long overview of the things I saw, liked, and hated.
Starting with the opening scene between Sganarelle and Gusman the audience was immediately engaged. The dances (and I am not saying anything about the quality of the dances themselves) were manipulated to add to instead of detract from each scene. At first I thought having the two actors on the balcony at the same time as the dance would distract people, I later noticed how the dancers were acknowledging the presence of the actors and it all just seemed to blend. In my own mind, it seemed believable that these two fellows were on the balcony of some bar in Spain maybe, and they noticed some peasant women having a dance down by the town fountain. This directing choice worked well for me.
I really enjoyed what Jon W. And Andrew C. came up with before the script even began. I don't think Jon was ever told to use the phone book in any way other than as a prop bible, and I think his comments on dentistry won the audience over every night. Within the first five minutes of the show, the audience knew they were allowed to, and required to laugh out loud.
The transition scene with the two brothers on horse back, and Dona Elvira following crying was a good way to introduce the brothers and show that they were being sent off to avenge the wrongs done against their sister. But the scene always lacked clarity. The added transition scenes, this one, the drowning scene, I would say needed direction with a firmer hand, preferably while holding a blunt object. Since there were no rules or guidelines for these transitions, they got a little out of hand. The comedic timing was totally lost in the brother/sister transition. (As Elvira, I knew this, and still couldn't save it. At moments like that I prayed for direction for myself and fellow actors.)
The incorporation of Don Juan and Dona Elvira (OK, I guess I will talk about myself.) in the second dance (the Bull Fight) seemed like a good way to show the game between Don Juan and Dona Elvira, but it was never developed enough. (I think Dona Elvira felt stupid while miming the dancers.) Like with everything else, if there was only more time to work out the choreography it could have been very funny, and added to the audience's comprehension of the play. The dancers dabbled in acting during this dance, when each night I saw them engaging the audience more and more with slight gestures and innuendos.
The clowns deserve big kudos for taking the brunt of any and all the audience's discontent with the actors. I would have been terrified if I received direction to "Go and make them laugh!" Bo and Charlie flopped a few jokes, but for the most part kept the audience engaged during transitions and moments of awkward silence. (Yes, there were a few.) My only suggestion would have been to buy them a joke book (simply for inspiration), or get them drunk every night. (Because we all love Drunken Bo.)
So, my point is the dances gave the show some variety and some much needed femininity (cleavage), the improve was witty and sharp, and the technical aspects of the play were simple but effective in conveying the messages of time and location. But, as far as the direction of the actors maybe the reign should have been pulled in on a few places. I got a little annoyed myself when one scene went on five (or ten) minutes longer than it should have because the improve (although side splitting) was never given limitations. I was so impressed by the cast members for reaching what I once thought was an unattainable goal, and for making something out of nothing. Meaning, what Mike K. did to the father scenes. I never thought they were funny, and by the end they were the scenes I always looked forward to listening to. The attitude Chip gave DJ, made him such an attractive, and funny character it made me giddy! (My favorite line: "You're not drowning in there, there's no water!") Way back when, after reading the play I thought, "What a bastard!" after watching (hearing) the show I really saw the attraction in the DJ character, and yes, pitied him to. He is alone, and rejects the only women who really loves him (yes, I think Elvira really did.) and for all his belief in a higher power he gets sent to hell. DJ really is a tragic character behind all the humour, bravado and flare. I think the battle between God and DJ was understood by both Chip and Anatoli, and I understood it better because of them.
This play was a success, flawed, but that's why I love it. I remember thinking three months ago, "What the hell am I getting into?", and honestly didnĄŻt know if the show would make it. It is the least to say that it has surpassed my hopes, I have gained richly from the experience of working with cast, crew, and director. This review does not give due credit to everyone in DJ, and associated with it, I only hope it gave some analytical insight from my point of view.
-Rose Jensen
Venice Carnival 2002 & DJ 2003
[ THE BLUNDERER, A monologue from the play by Moliere. This translation by Henri van Laun was first published in The Dramatic Works of Moliere. New York: R. Worthington Publishers, 1880. It is now a public domain work and may be performed without royalties. ]