2008 : pygmalion scenes in acting/directing classes :
act.vtheatre.net/rehearse genre [ comedy ] act.vtheatre.net/part5 [ finale, resolution ] Character analysis Scene Analysis ... Compare with Ibsen and Chekhov ... other Shaw titles?
Fall 2003: Modern Drama: Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present Walter Levy, Pace University ISBN: 0-13-226721-7 Prentice Hall Paper; 985 pp Published: 10/21/1998
Outline of the page-chapter
Use glossary, topics, subjects and themes pages! ...
2003-2004 * Modern Drama (textbook): This comprehensive and balanced anthology offers a collection of 25 works of modern and contemporary drama from the 1870s through the early 1990s. Features twenty-five plays that often demonstrate a significant breakthrough in maturity of expression and style for each playwright — important leaders in the development of modern and contemporary drama.
SummaryAristotle's Six Parts of a Tragedy :1. Plot 2. Character 3. Thought (theme, idea) 4. Diction (Language) 5. Music (sound) 6. Spectacle ![]() The Possessed 2003 Questions"200 words" main points:Your name: Intelligent theatre major Name of Play: Conflict: Action: Climax: Dramatic Question: Inciting Incident: Notes200 Words Post (after reading each play):Paragraph 1: Plot Summary -- Describe in one paragraph the storyline of the play (six or seven sentences). Paragraph 2: Theme(s) (Meaning or premise) -- What is the playwright saying to us? What is the point of the story or plot? What comment is the writer making about society? Support your theme statement from an action, dialogue or scene from the play. Paragraph 3: Form -- tragedy, comedy, melodrama, or tragicomedy? Why you believe it is a particular type of play by using examples from the play (refer to definitions in texts to justify your selections). Paragraph 4: Conclusion -- Discuss the play's universality. Will it withstand time? 100, 1000 years? Why? Peronal Opinion (Summary). ![]() Mikado "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." ~ Alexander Hamilton Metaphor and Theme Analysis
George Bernard Shaw's Plays, Second Edition (Norton Critical Editions)
... Fall 2008 THR413 -- dramlit list/forum
* 2005 THR413 (see new script.vtheatre.net/413 subdirectory)
1938 video.google.com
... origins :
Exrc. from stage to screen and back -- you (actor/director) as CAMERA
... and My Fair Lady :
ShowCases -- selected playwrights!Useful Questions to Ask Yourself about a Script Under Review
1. Is there anything special about the title? Does it focus on a character, the milieu, or a theme? Is it taken from a quotation or is an allusion? Does it contain a point of view or suggest a mood?
2. Make a note of unrealistic elements and consider their meaning. Does it include documentary material and, if so, to what effect?
3. Is there a main theme? Consider the tempo of the various sections?
4. How many acts and scenes are there? What motivates the divisions of the play and how are they marked (curtains, blackouts, etc.)?
5. What are the retrospective elements of the play and are they explicit or implicit?
6. Is there secondary action and what is its relationship with the main action?
7. Consider the characters entrances and exits and how they are motivated?
8. Is there any difference between playing time (the time it takes to perform the play) and illusory time (the time the action is supposed to take)? What is the relationship between the two, if any?
9. Where is the play enacted? Is the playwright vague or exact about the environment? Is this important?
10. How does the playwright economize with the number of roles? Could any be omitted or doubled? What function do the various secondary characters have?
11. Who is the protagonist? The antagonist?
12. What are the relationships among the characters and how do they change?
13. Is the play in verse, prose, or a mixture?
14. Is the play a translation? Can you compare it to the original? With other translations? Are there significant differences?
15. Is the playwright making significant points of interpretation with the use of punctuation? With breaks and overlaps? With silence?
About The Book * Preface * Overview * Table of Contents * About the Author * What's New * Feature Summary * Supplements * PageOut * Credits *
The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw
The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw is an indispensable guide to one of the most influential and important dramatists of the theater. The volume offers a broad-ranging study of Shaw with essays by a team of leading scholars. The Companion covers all aspects of Shaw's drama, focusing both on the political and theatrical context, while the extensive illustrations showcase productions from the Shaw Festival in Canada. In addition to situating Shaw's work in its own time, the Companion demonstrates its continuing relevance, and applies some of the newest critical approaches.
Plays : Man and Superman; Candida; Arms and the Man; Mrs Warren's Profession
Caesar and Cleopatra (1976 TV--Alec Guinness) 1 of 7