2009-2009 :

[ 1 ] ru

... Это не русский перевод старых страниц "Книги Зрителя" (другое название?), а скорее шаг к другой книге о "Ощество Зрелища" (Деборг). Или -- "Весь мир сцена" (Постмодернисткое понимание Шекспира). Но и постмодернизм лишь ступень к Вселенскому Спектаклю, который над престоит разыграть. Для кого? Для самих себя.

-- from myspace.com/anatolant:

+ filmplus.org/business

... Spectacle? So, it's Entertainment?

"Epic Theatre" and WWW
"Spectator Live" 2007 - 2008 : [ intro ]

In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.Chapter 1 “Separation Perfected”

... NEW :

WWW = Society of Spectacle

Actor=Spectator (ritual) in post-history as in pre-history

The whole world's a stage...

Especially, cyber world.

... biz.vtheatre.net -- but when will I get to it?

spectator 2

40 years later : Guy Debord 1967 [68]
"Museum of Communism"?

We live in this museum!

From Anatoly XXI

... filmplus.org/spectator/2007 Почему по-русски?

Ok, both.

Cyber-existentialism --

Well, this is for film600, or, at least, for my nonfiction [ POV, Tech ].

Here is just some practical applications of "web-directing"...

Spectator2.0 -- Spectator1.0 is at filmplus.org/spectator