Virtual Theatre *
* After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future...
I write, direct and I'm interested in theory -- and you can see all those three directions in ALL my webpages. I began with posting my notes for myself and you still can the short-hand style. I build and I edit online and none of the texts is complete. The majpr updates are done during the summers (new navigation and I make more links with "open new window" commands, so you won't lose the place). Instructional Sites
NEW: Content listing is on the left (frames), service links -- right (here), small print -- the bottom of all pages. BOOKS
See errors? Email, please! 3 Sisters Discussion Group & Reference 2004: web-plans Summary![]() Questions![]() BioMechanics NotesTHR331 Fundamentals of Directing 2005 * Wedding: class project -- finals *![]() ![]()
This page is a continuation of the front page, which I have to keep short. As you can see the new Theatre w/Anatoly organized around several Directories: Acting, Directing, Script, Shows, Classes, Web, Service. There are some References and Links pages, but in general I place links on subject pages. If you are lost, return to the front/index page (at the bottom of each page) and search the mega-listing or use site search engine.Use the guide or index pages in each directory. You can email me or leave your comments and reports in guest-books, if nothing urgent.
If you interested in taking online class with me for credits, contact Theatre UAF Department. You can follow any of my classes in-progress and do homework, if you want to get ready. Let me know that you are a virtual student. Recommendations for 200X Aesthetics 200X, Vision of the Northern Mind (Grad Film class) and Playscript Analysis (400 level) -- email!
K12 -- The Elements of Film (very elemental for HS kids) and Film & Drama. Those are the pages to watch for updates.
SHOWS & Forums: 3 Sisters, 12Night and WWWilde.@2000-2003 THR w/Anatoly *VIRTUAL THEATRE -- the high tech production meetings for film crew and web/internet team.
You are welcome to subscribe, but remember that the category is " computers & internet > multimedia > virtual reality " (and the theory of this new nedium's aesthetics).
The list is about the film and cyber aspects of our projects and about the acting for the camera technique. "Virtual Performance" is to explore the aesthetics of acting for live audience and for the camera at the same time. I do not think that I'll have time to block the parts (mostly monologues) when you have to speak to the camera -- this is "broadcast" not filming; the moments of the "switch" are between you and cameraman. Main site for vTheatrePlease, no character exploration and method on those lists; use 3sis egroup as you do.
If you want to know more about the Virtual side of our production, visit my web-webpages. Something like Pata and ParaTheatre @ Theatre w/Anatoly. Keep in mind, that Film Acting is the extreme case of Method Acting.
Let me repeat myself (from Film600 and
Where teaching and studying (research) meet --
Theme-thought, according to different playwrights (Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and so on) and directors (Fillini, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Bergman pages).
Connections with other themes (list): family, gender and sex...
Finally, my own practical investigations: (only recently I began to make themes pages, Don Juan 2003, for example).
And the nonfiction (writing), of course: HIM, Father-Russia, PostAmeriKa, Self, POV, Tech (gatepages are in WRITE directory).
Yeah, yeah, there is more -- "philo" pages, metaphysics: in theatre theory directory, for instance (topics-bar: space, time and etc.)
Plus, Virtual Theatre and Book of Spectator!Web? Oh, this is just medium. Like stage, screen, writing...