Virtual Theatre *
Theatre with Anatoly in Ethiopia ?
SophoclesBeckett "four corners" new:
2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov I am teaching DramLit -- (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles. Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )
STUDENTS! I will be working on this page while teaching Playscript Analysis (Fall'99). Dictionary: Basic Amazon Books
... 2003-2004 Academic Year & UAF Season ![]() The Possessed 2003 Summary![]() QuestionsCast:![]() Aristotle ![]() Plato ![]() Hegel ![]() Kiekeggard ![]() Marx ![]() Rand Method Acting * Stanislavsky on Stanislavsky Terminology * ![]() my eGroups Notestheatre glossary![]() BioMechanics Theatre Books Master-Page * ... 2009 :
I have to start third Glossary page, for more advance terminology. First Level is a must for all and required for 100-200 level classes. Level Two -- for Intermidiate Acting, Fundamentals of Directing, Dramatic Literature.One example:
Dramatism According to Performance Theory has six principles for analysis of actions (Kenneth Burke): act is defined as a deed, thought (or feeling); scene is the background or situation in which the act occurs; agent is the person who performs the act; agency is the instrument or means by which the action is produced (movement, voice, etc.); purpose is the reason for which the action is undertaken; and attitude is the bent of mind through which the action is carried out.What is "performance theory"? How does it differ from "dramatic theory"? Subject? Methods?
You have to know the terms in Glossary I and II; if you don't please, check the pages, especially, Aristotle's "The Poetics".
Existentialism a philosophical movement argues that "existence precedes essence," that individuals must choose, decide their "essential" nature rather than having it given from some transcendent source.
There is a lot of philosophy in advanced classes. Modern and Post-modern.
Since this time I plan to teach Playscript Analysis a la comparative analysis, I'll try topic organization for this page. We will study Freud -- and Ibsen, Chekhov, Strindberg. Stucturalism -- on Brecht and Kushner. And so on.
But nevertheless at first we have to go through the basics (Aristotle).
Now every major directory (classes) has its own Glossary page.
Psychological Realism and Bakhtin's Dialogism
Pata-Theatre: Data, Surrealism, Futurism
From symbolism, Realism and Naturalism to Non-Realistic (and Anti-Realism) Theatre
[I have no time to hyperlink everything, sorry.]
Cruel Theatre and Absurd
Ideology a body of beliefs, a doctrine, a socially grounded system for producing beliefs and values, a way of producing meanings or doctrines.
Cultural Studies
[Use "search my site" -- but be specific!]
If you missed class, most likely you'll have difficult time understanding the terms on this page. Be ready for tests.
[There are tests, samples, pages in main classes directories]
@1999-2003 Theatre w/Anatoly * Bookmark Theatre w/Anatoly