2008 --

* Use http://vtheatre.net to link to Virtual Theatre pages!

If you are a regular visitor, you know that I use the summers to rework my web-textbooks -- and I have to add some pages with the instructions in case if you are to use it in classroom or during your rehearsals.

Links (left frame)

Featured Pages: notes (for myself and for you)

It's only my notes, my webpages. Some are more advanced, some are for myself only. Yes, I believe that they help to plan and strenthen the course. I consider my classes web-supported. Online? No, thank you.

Books, films lists? "Required" -- classes pages in CLASSES directory, "Recommended" -- here and there.

Disclaimer (should be everywhere): states that syllabus is tentative, and subject to change according to the needs and interests of the class. This flexibility is over after two-four weeks after the semester is strated.

Online? Adds a dynamic dimension!


Another disclaimer: webpages are always "under constuction" -- nothing could be done about it, it's the nature of the beast. Everything -- including the layout. For example, this right table -- I have to have it for new comments, but should it be organized in several categories (what is the priority?): updates (do you see the scroller?), guestbooks, contact info and etc. How could I know the order? I don't. I have to try different formats.

This is my learning process.

Anatoly 2002 (how to mark the updates?)

PS. The biggest problem: the narrative, what is next?



* Acting I : BioMethod

* Acting II : Biomechanics

* Acting III : Method

** Stage Directions : Stagematrix

** Film Directing : Filmmaking for Actors

** Playscript Analysis : Grammar of Drama

chekhov pages @ vtheatre



Notes for Instructors

2007 -- updates? See BLOGS!
Only recently I realized that the new material I introduce is not an advantage for the books, if not properly explained. Especially, the parts on mise-en-scene in StageMatrix or Biomechanics, relatively unknown fields in theatre training in American schools.

First, I will try to reorganized the lessons closer to the "measured" plans.

Folks, I know by experience how long it takes anything new to mature on the web. This website is three year old and the third generation is when the pages must become fully usefull. See Notes pages, Notes for Myself, the instructor.

[ ... ]

See students pages in every subject directory (drama, acting, directing, film).

* "support" pages : appendix, biblio, links & etc.

* forums, help, guide

* not updates on instructional pages after 2008

* online = web2.0 type changes [ web.vtheatre.net ]

* how to follow updated pages -- ?

* 2007 was my web-year, my limits as a webmaster [ vtheatre.blodspoty.com ]

* POD books [ after ebooks ]


Runaways, see SHOWS directory

How to use productions for teaching... shows.vtheatre.net [ showcases ]


I have to spend the extra effort to "translate" some techniques, which are common in Russian school of theatre training and not in the West (European school is closer to Russia).

Maybe in method.vtheatre.net

More than I can handle. Most of the questions I have are for myself. Including this very page. I have "notes" pages in every directory, to leave subject pages safe from my rumbling. I began to make "students" pages; simply because the people who come to my sites do study theatre and film. Is this in addition to FAQ or Help pages? Anatoly-webmaster is self-tought and not bright, you know. Like Igor, the true monster....


The Instructor's Pages I will keep in Classes Directories.

Also, Teaching ONLINE page in Theatre Theory directory...

Recommended Reading

For instructors (or grad students) -- special listings? [ books/biblio pages ]

Next: Resume
... more instructions for instructors?
@2001-2006 thr w/anatoly * Next: Classes * Theatre und Internet sourses German

Fall 2007

images : picasa, flickr, photobuck