* Notes for Theatre w/Anatoly, plans and development * anatoly.tv
NEW : 2008 : my.yahoo.com (webmaster) + igoogle.com (academic) & my.msn.com (theatre) + my.live.com (film?) + my.nytimes.com (writing?) [how to share? ] -- with tabs for different projects : 3 calendars [ google * yahoo * msn ] + notebooks
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." --Aristotle
The root directory is gatepages and service pages only. Title Page is my most recent attempt to redesign the site under a new name -- Virtual Theatre.
I added List and Appendix mini-pages (links only) to to be displayed into the left (top)frame. I try not to make new pages, but to use the existing ones. For example, Papers page is for the Students Directory, which I do not use much. It's the same area of Teaching and Classes. In order not to confuse myself (and you) I decided to move Shows under the Research category. Everything about web -- Service. Links? Suit yourself, use the htmlgears -- submit your links. And put the back-link to my pages (you are welcome to copy my banners). And as always, email me, if you are interested in working together. I need help. Oh, yes! The Theatre Theory Directory! And -- "Market Anatoly" (online portfolio)! More on the same subject (new and news) -- Updates and New pages! A little bit sad; it was my "personal" page and it becomes a public place... I have to go somewhere else with personal comments and notes. "Homepages"? We must be mad thinking about having "home" in cyber space. You can see in a possitive light: the whole universe is you home, nomad! PLANS: Featured Links & Pages -- How to feature them? Popup windows? Maybe new HTMLgear? Side comments are the updates! Right here -- the right table! Search-Site mini-engines must be on each index page in each directory! Too many popups now? It's not me, but the webmaster! BioMX Theory for Actors: online Biomechanics textbook-in-progress! Read and comment! To make my peace with the textbooks idea, the text must be quality writing. Not notes. Not anymore. Nevertheless, the new computer can burn CDs and I am thinking about making of webtextbook CDs. Also, there is "Print-on-Demand" Publishing Co. -- they do a hard copy in 48 hours. I consider it, too. The publisher's invitation. I am thinking about it. Giving my copyright away. Finally! I'm separating Teaching and Research as I tried to do @ Film-North. Spring 2001: I doubled the size of this website. How? Summary![]() QuestionsHow to use those pages as a root directory (as it was before)? I do not have it anymore. Make every pages as gateway to other directories: direct -- to Stagematrix pages, and etc.NotesLogo for "Theatre with Anatoly"? Or to stay with "Virtual Theatre"? Respect for ActingIn her introduction to Respect for Acting, actress and teacher Uta Hagen talks about a time when she herself had no respect for the art of acting. "I used to accept opinions such as: 'You're just born to be an actor'; 'Actors don't really know what they're doing on stage'; 'Acting is just instinct--it can't be taught.'" But this attitude of "you got it or you don't" is fundamentally one that denigrates the craft, as she points out. Great actors do not perform effortlessly, or merely through learning the appropriate tricks and cheats to manipulate an audience. Great acting is about the difficult fusion of intellect and action--about sincerely and truthfully connecting to the moment, your fellow actors, and the audience--and Hagen's thoughtful and profound book contains a series of observations and exercises to help an actor do just that. Her prose style is admirably clear and filled with examples from her own lengthy career both as a performer and in the classroom. While her exercises in sense memory and basic objects skirt close to the sort of self-absorption that followers of "the Method" are routinely accused of, they are presented clearly and with a focus on practical results. And in such places as her chapter "Practical Problems," which includes discussions of stage nerves and how to stay fresh in a long run, her straightforward advice is invaluable. ![]() 2006: Beckett in Directing Class script breakdown May 2006. What did I have in mind? What do I have in mind? Portfolio -- teaching unites? Teaching resource materials? My own learning... What is ahead? No final forms? But the directions at least! Narratives... ...
It's coming, the Great divide -- "free" and paid pages. This "free" idea costs Internet the fall. Nothing is free. Time is money, remember? New economy didn't make money, because they forgot this American motto.![]()
Navigation: tour pages for each directory? "Next" and "Back" type. For example, this page should ask for WEB index (webmasters zone). Each page must lead to another page -- the narrative! At least, suggest!
How to get the transperancy? When they can SEE the pages-trees (new "search the site").
Banners (Film-North) + "news" at NEW & NEWS page!
NB. Art - NEW!
At some point all will have their pages and, by linking to them, you get "popularity" index, not by submission to engines. Webmaster, they will find you, if you have good traffic! Keep working! ...Great pages (and portal) are bookmarked!
There is another stage of Web & Net ahead. Never mind "dot.com" crash -- the direction is right, but we do not know how to use it -- the new attraction. We will learn.
This site was born, because I wanted to keep my notes somewhere else besides my hard drive. Look at me, I have more data out there than I have on my computer! What it mean? They out there are better organized than me. I trust them more than I trust myself. Yes, it's the fact.
PS. There are many new pages and directories after the Summer Y2K updates. Each directory now has Links service page, where I list the new (in addition to Index pages). Also, I began to organize each directory as a webtextbook (with title, appendix, list, dictionary pages). This is the only way I can see to control the growing number of the pages. As a result, I doubled the size of Theatre w/Anatoly.
You see a lot of HTMLgear inserts, which allow you to add your links. Please do it yourself, but in the right category (or I won't approve it). Webmasters, there is a web directory, which I also reorganized as online book. For more web-related infro, go there!
I added the popup mini-windows and, if you ignore them, they sit in your tray -- and you can open it when you need it. That is the new method to help to navigate the sites and introduce the new pages.
Work, friends!
Do Theatre!
Theatre Do!
Forums proved to be very effective; DramLit for example. Self-managed entitites, no moderation. But I try not to open new and use the new for the continued discussion: 3 Sisters: Method and Realism, 12night: Biomechanics and now WWWilde: Theatre & Postmodern.
Virtual Theatre is designed to served both Productions and Classes. In addition to the new directory-book VTheatre. Your comments are welcome!
* http://bordwell.pageout.net Film Art