2008-2009 linkedin.com/in/antohin
... After 2009 = LUL
... Oh, I don't know when this page will have the right to exist! 2008 [diary.vtheatre.net] -- "1968" 2009 [ "Grand Depression" ] -- it's long overdue. Lets dead bury the dead. The world is dead for too long. ...
* After so many years of webbing I cannot change the nature of my webpages -- they are what they were from the start; notes, thoughts, points I make for myself for classes and productions. Do they have an independent existence? Maybe, somewhere in the future...
Featured Pages: BioMechanics! See LINKS and LIST for more listings! NB. With my professional sites I'm doing now what I should be doing 2 years ago, when I began webbing!
It's three years since I began this site. Each year I double it and, if I am to continue (questionable) this way, the site will become a good one in 2004. Summary2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles. Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows ) 2006: Beckett in Directing Class script breakdown
Godot biblio notes in Directing directory
* Acting I : BioMethod
* Acting III : Method
** Stage Directions : Stagematrix
Notes![]() ... Summer 2010 : ![]() I do not feel at home at "my space"... I do not like my own webpages. I do not like myself. I know why. It's not me. ...
The site grew to the point that each directory became a website. Or a webBook, as I see it now.They all, the pages, got life of their own.
"PS" is an ironic title for a page. Web is always under construction. Nevertheless, webmaster has to reflect of what is behind. I do not know when and how, but the Web has to directions: publishing and broadcasting. Therefore, I am reorganizing the structure of my websites and subdirectories. Now all major directories have book orientation, including the need for a linear narrative. The web itself will be left for the broadcasting purpose (interactive, dymanic, video, sound, etc.)
Strange, but the book-structure is the basis; web-supported textbooks. Even with the productions I follow the same formula, making those directories into case studies. Especially, for the vTheatre projects.
All the commercial links are left for the web. (I have a second thought about placing them on my pages). The banners proved to be very useless. I put on only my own banners now.
Since WEB is the community based medium, I would leave it for the readers to develop. eGroups (Forums, Open Classes and Productions) are working fine without much moderation.
For more on the matters of maintaining website, see Web directory (Diary of a Webman) and Notes pages in every subdirectory.
Listen, stop browsing, my friend, start working! Link, submit, connect, write! Web is an open structure medium, enter and be involved. This is how you can build your own site, your place in cyber world, your real home.
All those "gears" are only to support the TEXTS! Content, everything else is secondary! Theatre w/Anatoly is the place for several projects and I have to keep the balance between the distancing them and linking. WEB is the tool, unless it's used as medium. Where is the border? [Notes for Anatoly]
You see, I have to talk to myself; to move on. To learn. And not to make mistakes (twice).