2009 and After ... ?
... film blog:
2001 -- then the story began... First, the overview (man v. woman): Taming of the Shrew (Pinter, comedy), but Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Albee? 2006-2007: POMO Project = Pinter + Mamet (Old & New World) What did you expect after Godot? Featured Pages: THR413 Playscript Analysis Fall 2006 (20th century drama). Act, Direct, Write + Theatre, Film, Web Vertical and Horizontal Directions: Professions and Mediums Old directory of Virtual Theatre. This very directory vTheatre 2 is focused on Postmodern aspects of VT. What is pomo? PM drama, everything after Beckett... It's about WHAT is around of Pinter and Mamet, the under water mass of "iceberg" (logo).
... Get yourself on my Mailing List! NEW:
I have nothing to say only to show." (Passagenwerk (1927 - 1940) - Walter Benjamin) I have nothing to show. My thoughts are secret. Even I do not know them! ... My feelings?
"Virtual Theatre"? What is that?[ video ]Many forms and many functions...
Web existence of the show...
Chekhov's Farces ("Four Jokes and One Funeral")
[ list : shows.vtheatre.net ]
... and Hamletdreams (tone?) [Rose]: Why did you write Oleanna?
[Mamet]: I don't know. ... I was living in Cambridge and, and Boston, and I used to hear these stories about sexual harassment. This was five years ago. So and so had a brother who got fired because he said, "blah, blah, blah"; or So and so had a niece and the professor came on to her, and she had to "blah, blah, blah." And I began to hear a lot of these stories and--
So, I sat down and started making up a fantasy about an interchange between a young woman who wants her grade changed and a professor who wants to get her out of the office so he can go home to see his wife, and one thing led to another, and the story kind of evolved and became this story about the power struggle between the two.
[(interview date 11 November 1994) In the following interview, which was originally broadcast on the Charlie Rose Show on PBS in November 1994, Mamet discusses his career, elaborates on his reasons for writing Oleanna, and evaluates reactions to the play.]... -- What makes a good play is the creation of interesting--well, what does make a ... you're the best person to tell me that. What makes a good play?
-- Well, I think what makes a good play is a protagonist who wants something vehemently and is going to set out to get it, whether that's Hamlet finding out who killed his father or Oedipus finding out what, what's the cause of the plague on Thebes, you know, or, or, or Nora in A Doll's House finding how she can live as an oppressed woman in a man's world, or Anna Christie finding out what she can do to get her father to take her back. That's what makes us want to come out, see the next, hear the next line on stage, or see the next cut in the movie: What happens next? When we really understand what the character wants, and we understand what they're going through to get it, that's what keeps us in our seat.
-- Because it beats thinking.
-- Beats thinking.
-- Yeah. It's so, it's so much, it's so much gentler than thinking.
-- That's true.
-- You know, [he's] just telling a story. And the same thing with me and this ... and Oleanna. ... I'm just telling a story.
[ Source: David Mamet and Charlie Rose, "On Theater, Politics and Tragedy." In David Mamet in Conversation, edited by Leslie Kane, pp. 163-81. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. ]
vTheatre page on Film-North was written long ago and can give you an idea about the direction of the project.
Or you can start on vPages of the Theatre w/Anatoly....
main: vtheatre.net:
Project Utopia [u21.us] * Spring'08 : Stoppard
-- shows.vtheatre.net/stoppard
@2000-2005 2007 *
2008 -- after the end of history (Anatoly XXI, blog)
After Beckett? After I was born... I always was postmodernist. Even before I knew about the postmodern.
I was postmodernist in USSR (by definition). The Soviet was "after history" -- post in every way. I as American? After 1980 -- definitely, PoMo. I thought that I'll die as a PM man... In Africa I will be "global"?