2006: webpages generation six?
2007 -- [ru] : webhumans * I am a human. (Anti-Spam measure) (required) [NB]
WEB @ Film-North (Engl)!
Search is in the left frame! Making money on the web? Let me see! Oh, I do plan to work on this project -- I do understand its organization -- and there is a potential to discover something new. First, the so call "pages" are not book pages. The very template is not a blank paper; it's already full of connections (links) and has its own mindscape. (I have to work on the templates before I can use them, dirrent -- for different directories: the lesson I learn as a webmaster). I dare to say that what I do is a web-wrighting! The structural organizion before the words are inter the "cyber space" -- what is that, this "cyber space" which doesn't exist in space and only in time? You seee, I direct it, the spectacle! First, the publishing features. It looks like a newspaper. Left, right colons, pictures -- the layout. Second, the broadcasting -- the music, and soon streaming video. Third, the interactivity -- the gave and the play. Check the "Blinking Link" -- the Mystery Page (it's only to start this Web-Sports aspects). GeoAlaska was my personal webpage. What does it mean? What do you think "homepages" mean? This is my virtual home, the only home I have right now. How come? Summary2005: I don't know -- should I be surprised that my webpages are still there or that they are going nowhere? The web is ambivalent, you can interprete it the way you like. Dependening on yourood...
QuestionsNotes"...let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident." Jefferson, Thomas. [1791] 1984. Thomas Jefferson to Ebenezer Hazard, Philadelphia, February 18, 1791. In Thomas Jefferson: Writings: Autobiography, Notes on the State of Virginia, Public and Private Papers, Addresses, Letters, edited by Merrill D. Peterson. New York: Library of America "Мои Русские Страницы"...[ list ] Читайте страницы "книги" и "библиография" (англ.) Мой веб на Кино-сервере! 2008
What did I think then, a year ago?Is it possible to have webpages and not WEB Directory?
Before I knew I had a lot of pages about webpages!
Web and Internet are in itselves are the subject of Performing Arts!
Email is an act! Click is Action!
Oh, the "impressions" and "hits"!
Wait, let me explain! Let me get the basic misconceptions out of the way.
First, technology is through and through a social thing. Internet is the very American and wouldn't be possible with Amaerica and the crisis of American Age. You heard about this American Individualism, right? Since the world naturally moves intro the state of global communism, the traditional American values are vanishing. It's normal and it's political. The Americans try to preserve this personal liberties with their PC, the same way as they three generations ago they did it with the car.
We build this highway because we do not want to live in space. I have to have my own place, even if this si trailer. I have to have to my own TV,even if I watch the same stuff. My own CD-player, my own gun.... because I want to live like a man before the society was introduced. On my own, by myself!
Take a look at the URL of this page. Do you see the name "rusam" (Russian American) in the middle of it? I made it. I am not satisfy with any name which is GIVEN to me, I have to do it myself -- I am master of my own life and destiny!
I have to have this great wall, the divice, the protection from the world -- the technology! I need the distance from you, my friends. And only then we can be friends and friendly.The internet is not only about bringing us together, but bringing you closer by keep the safe distance. Why? Because I don't trust. I trust nobody. Easpecially, the government, the system of many again one, me.
The rest of the world is happy with the public transportation. Not me! Public library? No! I want to have my own DATA! It's mine, even it's the same as yours!
Even the Neo-Americans and the Post-American like Clinton, are still Americans. They still like this principle of SELF-MADE. They are "American" socialist and communist by default, because of the need for adaptation, but they still buy their own cellular phones. The Internet brings together in very American way by keering the safe dstance between me and you, by making this distance more protective, making it bigger! Of course, technology is based on the need of protectation from the hostile environment, and what could be more hostile than society? Americans love alienation! Americans can share their space only at their will, because they like to share a priory, they don't trust -- and money the measure of trust. They made business into the preferable type of relationships.
Now, what other physical space is left for me to have MY OWN PLACE? I had to go into the cyber space, the Last American Frontier! I am a web-MASTER, master of my own destiny!
BTW, did you read the Preface?
PS. Are you a webmaster?
Then your email is public. What does it mean? It means that you will get many emails from the LOSERS!
Example (June 29, 2001) from one of several accounts I have:
ge1bv73@post.cz (No Subject) 19:13 2 k jdxsb@hotbot.com **ATTENTION ALL COMPUTER USERS** 18:06 7 k Joe Income Opportunity as seen on TV- ADV 12:46 15 k sch92@earthlink.net BIZZ OPP & FREE TRAVEL 06/28 Thu 2 k tigger5997@emailisfu Boost Your Windows Reliability!!!!!!!!! 06/28 Thu 2 k beene12@emailisfun.c Boost Your Windows Reliability......... 06/28 Thu 2 k 2LDAShg6J@burton.cur Making Millionaires 06/28 Thu 1 k estoja@emailisfun.co Highest Rated Online Casino... 06/28 Thu 2 k Warm Spirit, Inc. Relax. Pamper. Nurture -- 10% OFF 06/28 Thu 23 k sector9smp@emailisfu Learn To Earn A HUGE Income From Home !! 06/28 Thu 1 k knedrgr600@emailisfu Boost Your Windows Reliability.. 06/28 Thu 2 k register.com Submit your .biz and .info Web address a 06/28 Thu 4 k kevincostner3241@hot 90% off software sale 06/28 Thu 5 k
Don't be one of them!
Anatoly, Webmaster & Webhuman
PS. I hope that you're getting some idea what is my web-war about. Yes, of course, this is the war! Total War! "War is Peace".... 24 hours, seven days a week, no breaks, no stop war of one against all. You still do not know what I am talking about? You do not like the big picture? You do not believe me?
How do you understand what "hit" means?
What kind of "action" and "act" take place?
Read the rest of the Introduction finished by Afronord!
Data 7.10.06
* Language * Unique * Reload * Total * Share * English 1,196,170 1,067,684 2,263,854 86.97% French 24,353 19,664 44,017 1.77% German 22,224 19,106 41,330 1.62% Spanish 21,549 18,359 39,908 1.57% Dutch 12,338 12,781 25,119 0.90% .... ....What does it say?Country: * Country * Unique * Reload * Total * Share * Commercial (com) 883,821 585,242 1,469,063 71.54% United Kingdom (uk) 63,913 18,757 82,670 5.17% Canada (ca) 59,007 16,521 75,528 4.78% Network (net) 49,359 172,550 221,909 4.00% Australia (au) 29,137 6,429 35,566 2.36% Nonprofit (org) 15,931 64,966 80,897 1.29% Germany (de) 13,220 3,199 16,419 1.07% ... ...
Referral: * Referrer * Unique * Reload * Total * Share * 001 http://www.google.com/search 453,125 116,027 569,152 09-Jul-2006 18:12 002 http://search.yahoo.com/search 152,255 53,641 205,896 09-Jul-2006 18:20 003 http://www.google.co.uk/search 54,500 15,079 69,579 09-Jul-2006 09:30 004 http://www.google.ca/search 53,564 14,397 67,961 09-Jul-2006 17:49 005 http://search.msn.com/results.aspx 29,140 11,496 40,636 09-Jul-2006 15:23 006 http://images.google.com/imgres .... ....
1. Language = English
2. Users = "com"s
3. -- Google, Yahoo...
Conclusion: difference in mumbers so great that I should focus only on major contributors to my taffic.
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