To see how Method Acting helps with the Script Analysis, see the archives in 3 Sisters Discussion eGroup. For the very basics in drama theory see 200X Drama Directory Dramatic Literature Forum -- join!
This is a messup page; go to Methods in Classes directory!
THR413 -- more Foucault? The Class: "Thank you, The Academy..." [The Platonic Girls are in Theatre Theory Directory]: ![]() Aristotle: Objective Idealism ![]() Platonism: Subjective Idealism ![]() Hegel: Objective Idealism ![]() Existentialism ![]() Marxism ![]() Objectivism Neitzsche and some more antisocials (20th century, Foucault & Co.) are missing...
SummaryDeconstructionism - An approach to literature which suggests that literary works do not yield fixed, single meanings, because language can never say exactly what we intend it to mean. Deconstructionism seeks to destabilize meaning by examining the gaps and ambiguities of the language of a text. Deconstructionists pay close attention to language in order to discover and describe how a variety of possible readings are generated by the elements of a text.QuestionsWhen will you fix the philosophers' pages?![]() ^ This is DramLit "showcase" ^ NotesPhilosophy Sparknotes LMDA Dramaturgs * Marxism and Existentialism (where to start?) = Ibsen, Chekhov, Strindberg.Space:
20th century: pata-theatre, meta-theatre, para-theatre... "Realism without borders"!
Wait! Before we talk about HOW to study drama, teel me WHAT drama is!
Ask them, the dramaturgues!
Drama is...
The idea was simple -- we noticed ourselves. We turned our eyes from the heaven to the mirror. Not gods, but MAN became the sublect. Nature, small things. We do not grand the Dark Ages with the hidden development of this aspect of Christianity -- the human nature of Christ, but without studies of divinity we wouldn't be ably to see it in us. (The postmodern starts with the reaction to REALISM and the REAL).* Dramaturgy is the art of dramatic composition and the representation of the main elements of drama on the stage. Some dramatists combine writing and dramaturgy when creating a drama. Others work with a specialist, called a dramaturge, to adapt a work to the stage."Realism" is a trick concept. Are my thoughts and feelings real? So, where does this REALITY start and end?
What is not realism?
19th century is given the crown for realistic acheavements and that was the century of the classical realism.
All the writers of the part II are the 20th century playwrights. We will use comparative analysis to work with their script. We'll bring the titles and topic covered in part I and see how we can examine the variety of realism. REALISM WITHOUT BORDERS. Williams and Chekhov. O'Neill and Sophocles (Oedipus).
Pirandello -- playing with the Real.
Wilde -- Comedy Idea (Genre): Importance of Being Earnest.
Related Pages: Modernism, Postmodern
Read Chekhov1-4 and The Three Sisters...Also, American Drama: O'Neill, Williams, Miller, Albee, Shepard -- all came from the same tradition. But first -- Ibsen.
Roger Garody wrote "Realism Without Borders" (in the sixties), but the best discussion of the subject you can find in Bakhtin's books on genres.
"A literary and theatrical practice valuing direct immitation or verisimilitude.glossary Often associated with Naturalism, modern realism is something described as the inheritor of naturalism. In practice, realism is usually more concerned with psychological motives, the "inner reality," and less committed to achieving a superficial verisimilitude alone." (Modern Drama)Amen.DADA Be careful when you read in your textbooks that Beckett is "antirealist"! Absurdism is not an antithesis to Realism. Especially, if you see it from the postmodern perspective. It could be said that Naturalism is the opposite of Realism since it appeals only to surfice of the Real (this point was raised long ago). Read Martin Esslin The Theatre of the Absurd (1961) where he explains the logic of the world with broken logic.
Also, see Ionesco's writing on the universal language (p.763 DramLit Textbook). [This topic is connected with our discussion on Post-American Age. See Dada to understand the evolution of sensitivity in the late high modernity, its crisis and transition to the postmodern.]
Esslin refers to the western traditions of realism (p.724) behind the Theatre of the Absurd. Read Sidney Homan "The Ending of Endgame" (724-727).
In THR413 we study this subject in depth: Postmodern -- Absurd -- Inner Reality (mindscape -- Muller).
How to bring philosophy into it? A must. (right table)
How to use it in your papers: for "Methods" page go to THR Theory directory! To read plays is the same as to read music; do not assume that you know how read them!How come I do not have a page on existentialism and/or Nietzsche? I talk so much in THR413 about this philosophy (ideas and methods)...
[ List other approaches: historical, cultural and etc. ]
A lot about postmodernism in my nonfiction, especially in POV and Tech (quotes?)
Take notes, when you read plays! Use the notes, when you write papers. [Marxism, Existentialism, Polyphonic principle -- how to organize, and WHEN to introduce them -- connected with the play or writer?]NB
THR Theory [ Everything regarding "methods" will be in the 413 subdirectory. ]Next: Realism
[ I teach THR413 Playscript Analysis in the Fall of 2003 and plan to get to this page again. ] Critical Analysis of Theatre @ UWResearch for Play Analysis * The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology (Cambridge Companions to Religion) Theologians have responded in many different ways to the challenges posed by theories of postmodernity. Kevin J. Vanhoozer addresses the issue directly in an introductory survey of what "talk about God" might mean in a postmodern age. The book offers examples of different types of contemporary theology in relation to postmodernity, and examines the key Christian doctrines in postmodern perspective. Leading theologians contribute to this informative Companion. The Frame and the Mirror: On Collage and the Postmodern (Philosophy, Literature, and Culture)
* Production Dramaturgy most often involves two distinct phases: the period before rehearsals begin and the rehearsal period.
* Institutional Dramaturgy [ see ]
wikipedia: In the theater, a dramaturg holds a position that gained its modern-day function through the innovations of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, a playwright and theater practitioner who worked in Germany in the 18th century.
* The dramaturg's contribution was to categorize and discuss the various types and kinds of plays, their interconnectedness and their styles. Enhanced by a tradition of generous support for theater as part of German cultural identity, which gave nearly every city a fully staffed theater supported by public funds, the position of dramaturg includes the hiring of actors and the development of a season of plays with a sense of the connectedness between them, the assistance and editing of new plays by resident or guest playwrights, the creation of programs or accompanying educational services and even helping the director with rehearsals, serving as elucidator of history or spokesperson for absent (deceased) playwrights.
* -- Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA): When LMDA was formed over twenty years ago, our mission was to create a national network to affirm the role of dramaturg, to expand the possibilities of the field to other media and institutions and to cultivate, develop and promote the function of dramaturgy and literary management. As an organization comprised of dramaturgs, literary managers and other like-minded artists now numbering almost 700, we remain true to that initial mission. We encourage you to explore this site, read about our work, join our ranks and become a part of some of the most compelling discussions today.
I wish I would have the energy to make my drama classes into "distance delivery" courses. Because you do not need me (live); most is done at home -- reading, thinking, writing...
Your progress in class = how you can work by yourself!
Keep your expensive textbooks, keep reading them.
Do it for the rest of your life.
[ more on METHODS of analysis -- THEMES and THEATRE THEORY directories. ]
Dramaturgy can also be defined, more broadly, as shaping a story or like elements into a form that can be acted. Dramaturgy gives the work or the performance a structure. More than actual writing, dramaturg's work can often be defined as designing. [ wikipedia ]
New Play Development * Class and Fest
2005 UAF will be updated!
* dramaturgy northwest * Theories: Acting, Theatre, Critical Methods [ I recommend ]