2008-2009 :
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"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." -- George Bernard Shaw
PS? If you took THR215 Dramatic Literature, you should sign for THR413 Playscript Analysis!
Featured Pages : Preface Subscribe to DramLit Forum! NEW : I placed some links into the popup window; the theory pages related to script analysis. We end up with the social (historical) commentaries on our reality (most recent titles like "How I Learned to Drive"). This is why I have a subtitle to Grammar of Drama: Script Analysis of the Last Century. SummaryThere are several way to go from here. Directing, Acting pages?QuestionsWhat's next? Well, I wrote drama pages for theatre majors; go to your directories -- acting, directing, film...
* Acting III : Method ** Stage Directions : Stagematrix ** Film Directing : Filmmaking for Actors (clickable new windows):![]() "Beckett: "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"
Theatre on the Web:
![]() NEW * 2005 Question: Theatre with Anatoly: what are your webpages for? Dramaturgue (Don Juan) or Dramaturg? See Theatre Theory and read The Possessed D page! ... * In addition to the dramaturgue pages. I have to work on playwrighting pages! Virtual Theatres: An Introduction by Gabriella Giannachi; Routledge, 2004 - 1: Hypertextualities - 2: Cyborg Theatre - 3: The (Re-)Creation of Nature - 4: Performing Through the Hypersurface - 5: Towards an Aesthetic of Virtual Reality ... ...
2004: I am tired of webpages. I am waiting for the time, when I can use them for writing, not notes. When? I don't know. Where is this time?
Not even on this PS page? Not even at the end of the journey through so many great plays? Something is wrong. The narrative should give a birth to itself!
Especially, the history of drama came to its post-historical phaze.
So, what was this 25 centuries long story about?
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough. ~William Blake, Proverbs of Hell [ Read! ]
That's all!Curtain!... Well, I'm still working on the order of the reading (THR413 Playscript analysis). What should be read first -- Pirandello or Brecht?
How to jump to Absurd & Beckett?
When and how introduce the Postmodern?
How to link the critical readings with the plays?
Updates? Next time I teach this class...
Where to go now? Go to my research pages!
Or to your research pages!
Part 1. Craft
1. Review of THR215 Dramlit. Terminology.
2. [names]
Part 2. Art
Part 3.
Part 4. Writing
addresses (sample): script.vtheatre.net/413/1/1.html -- part I, lesson 1
playwtrighting.net -- filmplus.org/plays
dramaturgy -- anatoly.vtheatre.net/dramaturg :
showcases : from Sophocles to Stoppard : shows.vtheatre.net
* analysis for directors
* actors
* designers
* spectators
... spectator.vtheatre.net
Let me repeat myself (from Film600 and script.vtheatre.net):
Where teaching and studying (research) meet --
Theme-thought, according to different playwrights (Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and so on) and directors (Fillini, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Bergman pages).
Connections with other themes (list): family, gender and sex...
Finally, my own practical investigations: shows.vtheatre.net (only recently I began to make themes pages, Don Juan 2003, for example).
And the nonfiction (writing), of course: HIM, Father-Russia, PostAmeriKa, Self, POV, Tech (gatepages are in WRITE directory).
Yeah, yeah, there is more -- "philo" pages, metaphysics: in theatre theory directory, for instance (topics-bar: space, time and etc.)
The biggest question for myself -- am I commiting myself to write another textbook (Script Analysis for Actors and Directors)?
Questions? Write them down!
[very important questions I write in big letters -- and post them on the walls of my appartment!]
Or better, much better -- write the plays!
AmDrama: 3 + 3 = (O'Neill - Williams - Miller) + (Albee - Shepard - Mamet1) and Kushner and others
sparknotes.com philosophy *
[ to work on ]
* Preface
* Overview
* Table of Contents
* What's New
* Feature
* Summary
* Supplements
* PageOut
* Credits
1. Idea (proposal)
2. Outline (oral presentation in class)
3. Scenes, monologues
4. First Draft
5. Rewrites
6. Final Draft (class), mant drafts after it...
Cyber-students! Subscribe to the Forums!
"Beyond Academic"...
Mostly questions to myself... (the next time I teach it -- Playscript -- Fall 2008).
Read plays! Even when you are not in college anymore.
Come back later -- new texts. I'll post them (from the class notes).
Next: write.vtheatre.net [en/ru]
Links Exchange -- webmasters = copy & paste: