2008 iPod * biblio
my google books list * other BOOKS pages
Fall 2003: Modern Drama: Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present Walter Levy, Pace University ISBN: 0-13-226721-7 Prentice Hall Paper; 985 pp Published: 10/21/1998
I made "books" pages in each directy for my min-reviews on what I read.
Featured Pages: Write Directory Links Script/Drama The Dramatist's Toolkit Art Of Dramatic Writing It would be nice to have not only books, but videos and CDs listings, but I tried only with the Shakespeare on the screen -- and gave up. Originally, I had Old Books Page in every major directory (Directing, Acting), later I had to open BOOKS directory for theatre and Film Books. Do not confuse them with the reading or recommended lists! Although I prefer to list the books I like.
to use Bar, Themes, Subject.txt files as I plan to use topics.txt?
Summary"Modern Drama" (textbook): This comprehensive and balanced anthology offers a collection of 25 works of modern and contemporary drama from the 1870s through the early 1990s. Features twenty-five plays that often demonstrate a significant breakthrough in maturity of expression and style for each playwright — important leaders in the development of modern and contemporary drama. THR413QuestionsNo, I do not have my reviews on theatre books I read, but I use the quotations, references, some comments (mostly on the textbooks I use for classes).Notes2004 case study: The Taming of the Shrew + Oedipus Rex![]() Pygmalion 2005 * Shaw * online * ![]() The Possessed 2003 Postmodernism @ eBooks.com Fall 2004 THR215 DramLit -- Bedford Compact Into to Drama: Bedford/St. Martin's; 4th edition (January 2001) ISBN: 0312255950
Theatre Theory
Books in ACTING & DIRECTING (how to link?) Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball; Southern Illinois University Press, 1983 : - Part One: Shape - 1: What Happens That Makes Something Else Happen? - 2: And What Happens Next? - 3: But Do It Backwards - 4: Stasis and Intrusion - 5: Obstacle, Conflict - 6: Ignorance is Bliss (or: the Very Cause of Everyone's Lunacy About Hamlet) - 7: Things Theatrical - Part Two: Methods - 8: Exposition - 9: Forwards: Hungry for Next - 10: Missing Persons (character) - 11: Image - 15: Families - 16: Generalities: Mood, Atmosphere - 17: The Unique Factor - 18: Changing Eras - 19: Climax - 20: Beginnings/Endings - 21: Rereading - 22: What Next?
* Twentieth-Century Theatre: A Sourcebook by Richard Drain; Routledge, 1995 [ *** ]
The Poetics of Aristotle, Its Meaning and Influence by Lane Cooper; Marshall Jones Company, 1923
picasa albums w/links biblio pages in other directories ! faq ...
* Theatre Books Directory (main) *2004: I should try to use Bedford Intro to Drama in both classes: THR215 Dramlit and THR413 Plyascript Analysis (I can't cover all plays in one semester).
215: From the Greeks to Chekhov
413: From Chekhov to postmodern
Each class has its own main aim: DramLit = Grammar of Drama, Playscript = Theatre as Philosophy.
Expected that students take THR215 before they enroll in THR413!
Changes: in DramLit -- DVDs (12 Angry Men -- craft of drama, Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf -- characters, Mamet -- drama and acting?)
How to organize the viewing? Assignments with the fragments in class (order). (Dreams!)
Big issue for THR413 -- When can I introduce the "Plato Club" (critical readings of philosophy)?
* The shows I direct, while I teach class, are a part of required readings and reviews: "Shrew04" and "Oedipus X" (2004-2005 season) [see links and pix ].
From notes (for myself) page: my other directories do have assigned showcases (classic scripts); Stage Directing -- Hamlet, Method Acting -- 3 Sisters... Should I do the same with the drama classes? CaseStudy for Dramatic Literature -- Oedipus, Shrew, Pygmalion? Which is better to study "Grammar of Drama"?
See scripts-online (public domain) in PLAYS directory! ![]()
Read "The Importance of Being Earnest" or other shows directory files.
Could be Wilde as useful for Modern and Postmodern talk as Chekhov was?
Critical Reading : Basic Theories of the Century (list -- methods)
VTheatre: Shawcases of the Classical Literature for Theatre
[ if you want to follow my open classes, order the textbook and subscribe to eForum ]
Modern Theories of Drama by George W. Brandt, Oxford ISBN 0198711395 ****
"Modern Theories of Drama" -- Clarendon Press (THR413 only)[ * where are the reviews of the textbooks I read? ]
Drama: A Pocket Anthology (Penguin Academics Series), 3/E R. S. Gwynn, Lamar University © 2006 / 0-321-27722-8 / Longman
Longman Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Drama, The: A Global Perspective Michael Greenwald, Texas A&M University Roberto Dario Pomo, California State University, Sacramento Anne Marie Welsh, University of California, San Diego Roger Schultz, Texas A&M University © 2004 / 0-321-10791-8 / Longman
Drama: A Pocket Anthology (Penguin Academics Series), 2/E R.S. Gwynn, Lamar University © 2002 / 0-321-09175-2 / Longman
Longman Anthology of Drama and Theater, The: A Global Perspective, Compact Edition Michael L. Greenwald, Texas A&M University Roger Schultz, Texas A&M University Roberto Dario Pomo, California State University, Sacramento © 2002 / 0-321-08898-0 / Longman
Types of Drama: Plays and Contexts, 8/E Sylvan Barnet, Tufts University William Burto, University of Lowell Lesley Ferris, Ohio State University Gerald Rabkin, Rutgers University © 2001 / 0-321-06506-9 / Longman
Cultural History of Theatre, A Jack Watson, University of Oregon Grant McKernie, University of Oregon © 1993 / 0-8013-0618-3 / Longman
Theatre/Theory: An Introduction
by Mark Fortier $24.95 304 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 2nd edition (May, 2002)
ISBN: 041525437X *
I only hope that before THR215 Dramlit my students take THR200X Aesthetics (Arts through Movies), which I have no time to teach.
[ "The Taming of the Shrew" is an "adaptation"... as well as "Oedipus X" -- but in drama classes we study the originals. ]
Anatoly 4.14.04