2008 --
... ...
Fall 2003: Modern Drama: Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present Walter Levy, Pace University ISBN: 0-13-226721-7 Prentice Hall Paper; 985 pp Published: 10/21/1998
... "D. PAGES" -- DRAMATURGY AND QUESTIONING: "The reluctance to accept
dramaturgy and dramaturg as English words reflects a deeper
resistance to thinking about the theatrical process as a whole. . . .
DRAMATURGY AND PHYSICS: "To talk about a dramaturg and
dramaturgy, perhaps we ought to resort to physics. A dramaturg
can be a particle or a wave. When we expect one, we always
get the other. In recent history, he, she or it tends to be a
'particle' because the wide spectrum of functions rests in one
person or one identifiable group of people who call themselves
dramaturgs. This is a fairly recent phenomenon.
This page is new and Links, Notes, Intro, Wilde New images by Gustav Klimt, high modernity
Every time I teach DramLit of Playcript Analysis, this directory doubles in size. Chelhov got 5 webpages now and the "3 Sisters" subdirectory. Trying to manage all those pages, I reorganize them into webBoooks with the Title pages, Preface, Appendix and so on. Summary2004 case study: The Taming of the Shrew + Oedipus RexQuestionsFall 2004 -- Taming of the Shrew @ http://shows.vtheatre.net/shrew/intro.html
NotesDrama ** vtheatre.netact.vtheatre.net direct.vtheatre.net film.vtheatre.net script.vtheatre.net shows.vtheatre.net method.vtheatre.net biomechanics.vtheatre.net write.vtheatre.net web.vtheatre.net Theatre Anthropology Eugenio Barba + Transcultural (theatre is multicultural by nature). Theatre UAF CHE'05 : cast and crew @ groups.yahoo.com/group/wwwilde * * 2005 Question: Theatre with Anatoly: what are your webpages for? Dramaturgue (Don Juan) or Dramaturg? See Theatre Theory and read The Possessed D page! * In addition to the dramaturgue pages. I have to work of playwrighting pages! * Cherry Orchard Notes *
sparknotes.com philosophy *
The obstacle is the path. ~Zen Proverb
Bakhtin, Genre Formation Bart KEUNEN for Drama Genre Page:
Despite the recent boom of Bakhtin commentaries and Bakhtinian text interpretations we are still without a systematic theory of the concept of "chronotope." ...
postmodern and vTheatre (pomo project) 2006
2006 domains:
Beckett Pages
Beckett plays:
Godot UAF
Related Resources
links + appendix
subject categories
Research Topics
My Courses
new: Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball; Southern Illinois University Press, 1983 : - Part One: Shape - 1: What Happens That Makes Something Else Happen? - 2: And What Happens Next? - 3: But Do It Backwards - 4: Stasis and Intrusion - 5: Obstacle, Conflict - 6: Ignorance is Bliss (or: the Very Cause of Everyone's Lunacy About Hamlet) - 7: Things Theatrical - Part Two: Methods - 8: Exposition - 9: Forwards: Hungry for Next - 10: Missing Persons (character) - 11: Image - 15: Families - 16: Generalities: Mood, Atmosphere - 17: The Unique Factor - 18: Changing Eras - 19: Climax - 20: Beginnings/Endings - 21: Rereading - 22: What Next?
Summer 2003: THR215 Dramatic Literature and THR413 Playscript Analysis have their own subdirectories with the new vertical structure (another level subdirectories -- 1, 2, 3 and so on). I needed to separate two classes (first is an intro to "Grammar of Drama") and I can't make more pages in main (root) directory.It will take me a while to develop this new vertical heirharchy.
Also, the Themes directory; I try to organize the topical linkage between writers and plays. "Death" -- of course, you can find this subject in many dramas. And this why you can see at the top the motto "Script Analysis of the Last Century" (20th -- my main interest; the transition from modernity to postmodernity).
I don't know if I will time to plug in the "Philosophers" (ideas from Aristotle, Marx and Foucault), but nevertheless I want to place paintings, literature of the periods relavent to each playwright...
Oh, sweet dreams!
2001 Updates: THR413 Playscript Analysis class with Oscar Wilde in focus: crisis of high modernity and new comedy.
Self-irony and self-parody, transition to the postmodern.
Directing "The Important of Being Earnest" (double irony in the title).
BioMechanics as a STYLE. Style as substance: style (form) as meaning -- and the school of formalism. (Structuralism and Deconstruction).
NEW Themes & Topics directory for THR413 Playscript Analysis (I still debate the title -- "Playscript Analysis of the Century," "Playscript Analysis of History." Or "Play Analysis of Humanity"?)
The Acting directory is devoted to the Method Acting ("System of the Method").
Subscribe to one of the open forums; the most recent is WWWilde (Fall Y2K main stage UAF production.
The SPECTATOR directory will be combined with the new VIRTUAL THEATRE and the new pages will be at http://etheatre.tripod.com
There are two new websites I have no time work on -- www.anatoly.tv and http://antohin.tripod.com
All my old pages are updated! (You can see the date next to the counters, right top table) Also, new directory Links in every directory.
You see many HTMLgear features on my pages; you can add your link, if it's the subject related (I check all links before approving them). You can add your quotations too.
Please, take a moment to answer online poll "Visitors" (I have to have some idea what is the main interests of the readers).
New extended Spectator directory. Read and see for yourself why I consider this field as the most important for all theatre profession.
Important: maybe I should make it more specific -- "Dramatic Literature for Actors" and "Playscript Analysis for Directors"? (If I am to work on thextbooks).
Devised and Collaborative Theatre offers detailed advice on every aspect of the devising process and valuable insights into the process of making theatre collectively. It is written for all companies who are interested in non-text based theatre and designed to solve the technical problems that occur when starting work without a clear idea of the finished product. Softcover, 160 pp. $41.95.
http://video.on.nytimes.com/?fr_story=fbcfb8ef87795f4e44b061f5adfffeed47bf0bc5 King Lear -- Royal Academy in NYC Playwrighting -- THE AUTEUR ATHE April 2005 (calls)